Academic Staff Applied Geology Dr. H.A. (Hemmo) Abels Associate Professor Geo-Engineering Dr. A. Askarinejad Guest associate professor Applied Geophysics and Petrophysics Dr. A. (Auke) Barnhoorn Head of GSE laboratory / Associate Professor Applied Geology Prof. Dr. G. (Giovanni) Bertotti Professor in Applied Geology Applied Geophysics and Petrophysics Dr. Ir. G. (Gerrit) Blacquière Part-time Associate Professor (retired) Applied Geology Drs. J.C. (Jan Kees) Blom Director of Studies / Lecturer Geo-Engineering Dr. Ir. R.B.J. (Ronald) Brinkgreve Part-time Associate Professor Geo-Engineering Dr. Ir. W. (Wout) Broere Associate Professor Reservoir Engineering Dr. D.F. (David) Bruhn Part-time Professor of Geothermal Engineering Applied Geology Dr. P.B.R. (Pierre-Olivier) Bruna Assistant Professor Resource Engineering Dr. M.W.N. (Mike) Buxton Head of Section, Associate Professor Geo-Engineering Dr. M.A. (Miguel) Cabrera Assistant Professor Applied Geology Dr. R.J.G. (Rémi) Charton Assistant professor Applied Geophysics & Petrophysics Dr. M.J. (Matthew) Comeau Assistant Professor Reservoir Engineering Dr. A. (Alexandros) Daniilidis Assistant Professor Resource Engineering Dr. F.S. (Feven) Desta Assistant Professor Geo-Engineering Dr. Ir. A.A.M. (Anne-Catherine) Dieudonné Associate Professor Applied Geophysics and Petrophysics Dr. Ir. D.S. (Deyan) Draganov Associate Professor Applied Geophysics and Petrophysics Dr. Ir. G.G. (Guy) Drijkoningen Associate Professor Applied Geophysics and Petrophysics Prof. Dr. L.G. (Läslo) Evers Professor Reservoir Engineering Dr. R. (Rouhi) Farajzadeh Part-time Associate Professor of Reservoir Engineering Geo-Engineering Dr. L. (Luca) Flessati Assistant Professor Geo-Engineering Prof.dr. K.G. (Kenneth) Gavin Professor of Subsurface Engineering Geo-Engineering Dr. J. (Julia) Gebert Associate Professor Applied Geology Prof. Dr. S. (Sebastian) Geiger Professor in Sustainable Geoenergy Applied Geophysics and Petrophysics Dr. R. (Ranajit) Ghose Associate Professor Geo-Engineering Dr. G. (Giorgia) Giardina Associate Professor Resource Engineering C.M. (Lot) van der Graaf Assistant Professor Reservoir Engineering Prof. Dr. H. (Hadi) Hajibeygi Professor of Geo-Energy Solid and Fluid Mechanics Geo-Engineering Prof. Dr. Ir. T.J. (Timo) Heimovaara Department Chair / Professor of Geo-Environmental Engineering Geo-Engineering Prof. Dr. M.A. (Michael) Hicks Head of section / Professor of Soil Mechanics Reservoir Engineering Prof. Dr. Ir. J.D. (Jan Dirk) Jansen Professor of Reservoir Systems and Control Geo-Engineering Prof. Dr. C. (Cristina) Jommi Professor of Dikes and Embankments Resource Engineering Ir. M. (Marco) Keersemaker Lecturer Geo-Engineering Dr. Ir. M. (Mandy) Korff Associate Professor of Geotechnical Practice Applied Geophysics and Petrophysics Katrin Loër Assistant Professor Applied Geology Prof. Dr. A.W. (Allard) Martinius Part-time Professor in Reservoir Characterization Geo-Engineering Dr. J.C.L. (Hans) Meeussen Guest Associate Professor Applied Geophysics and Petrophysics Prof. Dr. W.A. (Wim) Mulder Part-time Professor of Geophysical Imaging Methods Geo-Engineering Dr. S. (Stefano) Muraro Assistant Professor of Experimental Soil Mechanics Geo-Engineering Dr. Ir. D.J.M. (Dominique) Ngan-Tillard Associate Professor Geo-Engineering R.E.P. (Richard) De Nijs Lecturer in Underground Space Technology Applied Geophysics and Petrophysics Dr. A.M.H. (Anne) Pluymakers Assistant Professor Experimental Fluid-Rock Interaction Reservoir Engineering Dr. M. (Max) Ramgraber Assistant Professor Applied Geology Dr. G. (Guillaume) Rongier Assistant Professor Resource Engineering Dr. T. (Tobias) Schmiedel Assistant Professor Applied Geophysics and Petrophysics Prof. Dr. Ir. E.C. (Evert) Slob Head of Section, Professor of Geophysical Electromagnetic Methods Applied Geophysics and Petrophysics Prof. Dr. (Valentina) Socco Professor Applied Geology Dr. J.E.A. (Joep) Storms Associate professor - Head of Section Applied Geology - Coordinator Geo-Energy Engineering MSc track Applied Geophysics and Petrophysics Dr. Ir. J.W. (Jan Willem) Thorbecke Researcher Applied Geology Dr. S.C. (Stephan) Toby Assistant professor Geo-Engineering Prof.dr. P.J. (Phil) Vardon Professor Energy Geomechanics Applied Geophysics and Petrophysics Dr. ir. D.J. (Eric) Verschuur Associate Professor Reservoir Engineering Dr. D.V. (Denis) Voskov Head of Section Reservoir Engineering, Associate Professor Reservoir Engineering Prof. Dr. Ir. (Femke) Vossepoel Professor Applied Geophysics and Petrophysics Prof. Dr. Ir. C.P.A. (Kees) Wapenaar Emeritus Professor of Applied Geophysics Applied Geophysics and Petrophysics Dr. K.H.A.A. (Karl-Heinz) Wolf Associate Professor Geo-Engineering C. (Cor) Zwanenburg Assistant Professor of Soil mechanics Share this page: Facebook Linkedin Twitter Email WhatsApp Share this page