Dr.ir. M. (Mandy) Korff
Dr.ir. M. (Mandy) Korff
Linkedin: www.linkedin.com/in/mandykorff/Deltares: https://www.deltares.nl/nl/experts/mandy-korff/
Open Courseware: https://ocw.tudelft.nl/course-lectures/1-5-effect-shallow-subsurface/
Dr. Mandy Korff is Associate Professor in Geotechnical Practice (since 2016), and a Senior Advisor and member of the science council at Deltares. She works in the fields of underground construction, behaviour of piles, risk management and monitoring, observational method, forensic geo-engineering, soil-structure interaction, liquefaction, and impact of construction activities and earthquakes on structures. Her research is directly related to projects such as the Groningen earthquake studies, Monitoring and modelling of Quay walls and impact of land subisdence and tunnel projects of houses. Dr. Korff was chair of the Geotechnical Department of the Royal Institute of Engineers (KIVI) and the national representative for the ISSMGE during 2008-2017. She is currently a member of ISSMGE’s TC204 and TC206 on Underground Construction and Observational method.
- Underground construction - Behaviour of piles - Risk management and monitoring - Observational method - Forensic geo-engineering - Soil-structure interaction - Liquefaction - Impact of construction activities, subsidence and earthquakes on structures.
Chair of the Schreuderprijs Prize for best underground construction project from Schreuderstichting
LiveQuay - NWA project voor het beter beoordelen van bestaande kademuren op basis van het geavanceerd combineren van metingen en modellen.https://www.tudelft.nl/2022/citg/onderzoek-tu-delft-citg-naar-kademuren-en-bruggen-gehonoreerd-door-nationale-wetenschapsagenda
LOSS - Living on Soft Soils https://nwa-loss.nl/
DeepNL - SORFTTOP - Liquefaction
Measures to reduce land subsidence and greenhouse gas emissions in peatlands
A Dutch case study
Tommy H.G. Wils / Jan J.H. van den Akker / Mandy Korff / Guido Bakema / Dries L.T. Hegger / Rudi Hessel / Mandy A. van den Ende / Martijn M.W. van Gils / Daan Verstand -
2D and 3D Modelling Strategies to Reproduce the Response of Historical Masonry Buildings Subjected to Settlements
Alfonso Prosperi / Michele Longo / Paul A. Korswagen / Mandy Korff / Jan G. Rots
Base Resistance of Screw Displacement Piles in Sand
Kevin Duffy / Ken Gavin / Mandy Korff / Dirk de Lange
Bending Properties and Lateral Resistance of Historic Timber Foundation Piles in Amsterdam, Netherlands
Mart-Jan Hemel / Dirk Jan Peters / Mandy Korff
Comparative Analysis of Coupled and Uncoupled 3D Finite Elements Models for Masonry Structures Subjected to Settlements
Alfonso Prosperi / Michele Longo / Paul A. Korswagen / Mandy Korff / Jan G. Rots
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