Prof.dr.ir. F.C. (Femke) Vossepoel
Prof.dr.ir. F.C. (Femke) Vossepoel
As a professor of Earth System Simulation at Delft University of Technology, Femke Vossepoel leads a research group of six PhD candidates and one postdoc in data-assimilation research in geosciences. The group’s projects involve using observations for estimating state and parameters in dynamic Earth-system models. Research topics include urban heat and air pollution, subsidence due to gas- or groundwater extraction, estimating and forecasting earthquakes, droughts, and slope stability.
With a background in oceanographic data assimilation and coupled ocean-atmosphere simulation, combined with industry experience in petroleum engineering and exploration geophysics, Femke Vossepoel connects different disciplines and reaches a broad audience. In 2022, together with Geir Evensen and Peter Jan van Leeuwen, she published an open-access textbook on data assimilation fundamentals.
From 2020 to December 2023, Femke Vossepoel was head of the reservoir engineering section in the Department of Geoscience and Engineering of TU Delft. With a keen interest in safety and climate resilience, Femke Vossepoel was also a member of the management team of the Delft Safety and Security Institute. Since 2023, she has been a TU Delft Climate Safety and Security Center (CASS) board member. From 2019-2023, she was a member of the Technical Committee for Ground Motion (Technische commissie bodembeweging, Tcbb). She is also a member of the international KEM expert subpanel that advises the Ministry of Climate Policy and Green Growth on the risk of ground motion and induced seismicity. Femke Vossepoel coordinates the TU Delft contribution to Destination Earth (DestinE), an EU flagship initiative to build a digital twin of the Earth. As the scientific lead of the UrbanAIR consortium, she actively contributes to DestinE.
With a teaching qualification obtained in 2007 at Utrecht University, Femke Vossepoel now teaches courses in the BSc and the MSc programs of Applied Earth Sciences (AES) of the Faculty of Civil Engineering and Geosciences of TU Delft. For MSc students in the AES, Environmental Engineering, and Civil Engineering programs, she developed, amongst others, the elective course Data Assimilation for Geosciences and the Effects of Subsurface Engineering course. BSc students in AES know her from her lectures on Environmental Impact Assessment and Subsidence in first- and third-year courses. In addition, Femke Vossepoel is regularly invited as a lecturer at international summer schools on data assimilation. She has established a strong data assimilation research group within the data assimilation researchers she supervises.
Femke Vossepoel receives funding from the Dutch Research Council NWO through the DeepNL research programme, which aims to improve the fundamental understanding of the dynamics of the deep subsurface under the influence of human interventions. The User Support Programme Space Research of NWO funds three of her current projects involving satellite data. The funding comes from the Delphi consortium and Petrobras for two of her projects.
Femke Vossepoel’s interests are not limited to data assimilation in geosciences. In recent years, she contributed to an international assessment of the COVID pandemic. Having experienced the value of working in diverse groups, Femke Vossepoel is a strong supporter of gender equality and an active member (and former chair of the board of) DEWIS.
Ensemble Kalman, adaptive Gaussian mixture, and particle flow filters for optimized earthquake occurrence estimation
Hamed Ali Diab-Montero / Andreas S. Stordal / Peter Jan van Leeuwen / Femke C. Vossepoel
AI enhanced data assimilation and uncertainty quantification applied to Geological Carbon Storage
Gabriel Serrão Seabra / Nikolaj T. Mücke / Vinicius Luiz Santos Silva / Denis Voskov / Femke C. Vossepoel
Bayesian inference of subduction processes from observations before and after the 2011 Tohoku earthquake
Celine Marsman / Femke Vossepoel / Mario D'Acquisto / Ylona van Dinther / Lukas Van de Wiel / Rob Govers
Digital twins of the Earth with and for humans
W. Hazeleger / J.P.M. Aerts / P. Bauer / M.F.P. Bierkens / G. Camps-Valls / M.M. Dekker / F. J. Doblas-Reyes / S. Lhermitte / F.C. Vossepoel / More Authors
Ensemble Kalman, Adaptive Gaussian Mixture, and Particle Flow Filters for Optimized Earthquake Forecasting
Hamed Ali Diab-Montero / Andreas Størksen Stordal / Peter Jan van Leeuwen / Femke C. Vossepoel
Delftse digital twin toont menselijk gedrag bij hitte en wind
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Effecten van klimaatverandering beter begrijpen dankzij nieuwe aardobservatie-onderzoeken
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Applying Data Assimilation Tools to Covid Forecasting Models
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Help from an unexpected quarter: geosciences data techniques can help predict corona spread
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Interview with new DEWIS chair
Verscheen in: TU Delft News
2023-09-01 - 2025-08-31
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2023-01-02 - 2025-12-31
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