Dr. J.E.A. (Joep) Storms
Dr. J.E.A. (Joep) Storms
Wind-driven hydrodynamic and depositional patterns in shallow lakes
An exploratory modelling approach based on an archetypal case of Lake Hulun
Xinyu Xue / Joep Storms / Florin Zăinescu / Mathieu Schuster / Li Wang / Jan Hendrik May / Zhi Lin Ng / Helena van der Vegt / Zaixing Jiang / More Authors -
Lateral and vertical characteristics of floodplain aggradation cycles in the lower Eocene Willwood Formation, Bighorn Basin, Wyoming, USA
Youwei Wang / Timothy F. Baars / Joep E.A. Storms / Allard W. Martinius / Philip D. Gingerich / Magda Chmielewska / Simon J. Buckley / Hemmo A. Abels
Littoral landforms of Lake Hulun and Lake Buir (China and Mongolia)
Wind-driven hydro-sedimentary dynamics and resulting clastics distribution
Li Wang / Mathieu Schuster / Shi Wei Xin / Florin Zainescu / Xin Yu Xue / Joep Storms / Jan Hendrik May / Alexis Nutz / Helena van der Vegt / Guilherme Bozetti / Zai Xing Jiang -
Long-eccentricity pacing of alluvial stratigraphic architecture in the Eocene Bighorn Basin, Wyoming, USA
Youwei Wang / Timothy F. Baars / Joep E.A. Storms / Allard W. Martinius / Philip D. Gingerich / Hemmo A. Abels
Wave-Influenced Delta Morphodynamics, Long-Term Sediment Bypass and Trapping Controlled by Relative Magnitudes of Riverine and Wave-Driven Sediment Transport
F. Zăinescu / J. E.A. Storms / A. Vespremeanu-Stroe / H. Van Der Vegt / M. Schuster / E. Anthony
Courses 2024
- Model-based Water Systems…
- Resilient Deltas
- Resilient Deltas
- Characterisation of the…
- Earth, Climate and Ethics
- Flow and Simulation of…
- Advanced Sedimentary Geology
- Advanced Sedimentary Geology
- Sediment Dynamics
- Geo-Energy B-module
- Resilient Deltas
- Geomechanics and Structural…
- Climate Change and Dynamic…
- Geology 3: geological…
- Geological Fieldwork: Data…
Courses 2023
- Earth, Climate and Ethics
- Flow and Simulation of…
- Climate Change and Dynamic…
- Geo-Energy B-module
- Geology 3: geological…
- Geological Fieldwork: Data…
- Outcrop Geology for…
- Final Thesis Geo-Energy…
- Resilient Deltas
- Geomechanics and Structural…
- Advanced Sedimentary Geology
- Sediment Dynamics
- Characterisation of the…
- Model-based Water Systems…
- Advanced Sedimentary Geology
Ancillary activities
2024-03-01 - 2026-02-28