Dr.ir. J.W. (Jan) Thorbecke
Dr.ir. J.W. (Jan) Thorbecke
Jan Thorbecke received a MSc. (1991) and PhD (1997) in Applied Geophysics from Delft University of Technology. From 1996 onwards he worked for Cray/SGI/Cray/HPE as benchmarking and application engineer. Since 2002 he rejoined TUD (0.2) and is doing research in wavefield imaging. His professional interests are in wavefield extrapolation, modelling, numerical optimisation, and efficient algorithm design for HPC.
Application of Marchenko-based isolation to a land seismic dataset
F. Shirmohammadi / D. Draganov / J. van IJsseldijk / R. Ghose / J. Thorbecke / E. Verschuur / K. Wapenaar
Design, implementation and application of the Marchenko plane-wave algorithm
Jan Thorbecke / Mohammed Almobarak / Johno van IJsseldijk / Joeri Brackenhoff / Giovanni Meles / Kees Wapenaar
Extracting small time-lapse traveltime changes in a reservoir using primaries and internal multiples after Marchenko-based target zone isolation
J.E. van IJsseldijk / J.R. van der Neut / J.W. Thorbecke / C.P.A. Wapenaar
Time-lapse applications of the Marchenko method on the Troll field
Johno van IJsseldijk / Joeri Brackenhoff / Jan Thorbecke / Kees Wapenaar
3D Marchenko applications
implementation and examples
Joeri Brackenhoff / Jan Thorbecke / Giovanni Meles / Victor Koehne / Diego Barrera / Kees Wapenaar -
Ancillary activities
2022-11-01 - 2026-11-01
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