Prof.dr. D.F. Bruhn
Prof.dr. D.F. Bruhn
Findability of geothermal energy websites in seven EU countries and Iceland
M. Macut / D. F. Bruhn / J. M. Chicco / G. Götzl / T. Marković / A. Nádor / J. A. Newson / P. G. Ramsak / N. Rman
Flexible well patterns and cashflow optimisation on large-scale geothermal field development
Entela Kane / Olwijn Leeuwenburgh / Gerard Joosten / Alexandros Daniilidis / David Bruhn
A Research And Energy Production Geothermal Project On The TU Delft Campus
Project Implementation And Initial Data Collection
Philip J. Vardon / Hemmo A. Abels / Auke Barnhoorn / Alexandros Daniilidis / David Bruhn / Guy Drijkoningen / Kaylee Elliott / Beer van Esser / Susanne Laumann / Piet van Paassen / Liliana Vargas Meleza / Andrea Vondrak / Denis Voskov -
A newly installed research infrastructure for geothermal energy in a subsurface sedimentary reservoir for direct-use heating
The TU Delft campus geothermal project
Hemmo Abels / Auke Barnhoorn / Alexandros Daniilidis / David Bruhn / Guy Drijkoningen / Kaylee Elliott / Beer van Esser / Susanne Laumann / Piet Van Paassen / Liliana Vargas Meleza / Andrea Vondrak / Denis Voskov / Phil Vardon -
A research and production geothermal project on the TU Delft campus
initial modeling and establishment of a digital twin
Denis Voskov / Hemmo Abels / Auke Barnhoorn / Yuan Chen / Alexandros Daniilidis / David Bruhn / Guy Drijkoningen / Sebastian Geiger / Susanne Laumann / Guofeng Song / Philip J. Vardon / Liliana Vargas Meleza / Eric Verschuur / Andrea Vondrak -
David Bruhn in de media 2023
Verscheen in: Innovation Origins
Energie in 2030: wat gaan de bronnen ons brengen?: 5 specialisten belichten 5 duurzame energiebronnen
Verscheen in: E&W Installatietechniek
We boren (te?) diep op zoek naar aardwarmte
Verscheen in: NRC Handelsblad
Oppompen heet water laat aarde in Zuid-Korea beven
Verscheen in: NRC Handelsblad
Aardwarmte biedt kansen. Door de redactie
2025-01-01 - 2025-08-29