Prof.dr. P.J. (Phil) Vardon
Prof.dr. P.J. (Phil) Vardon
Phil is the Professor of Energy Geo-Mechanics in the Section of Geo-Engineering. He leads the department theme in Geothermal Science and Engineering. His research is into complex coupled processes in geomaterials. He focuses on the impacts on soils / geomaterials of various processes including heat, moisture and contaminant movement, including practical applications such as geothermal energy, slope stability and radioactive waste disposal. He teaches on the undergraduate Soil Mechanics course and the postgraduate Geothermal Energy course.
- Geothermal energy systems and field testing
- Coupled numerical modelling in geomaterials: thermo-hydro-chemical-gas-mechanical
- Uncertainty reduction in calculating geotechnical reliability
- Scientific computer programming, including parallel computer algorithms
Current and recent projects include:- EPOS-NL. Funded by NWO.
- Properbase. Funded by RVO.
- EASYGO. Funded by EU.
- ATES Triplet. Funded by NWO.
- Energy Quay Wall Pilot. Funded by RVO.
- WarmingUP. Funded by RVO.
- EURAD. Funded by EU and COVRA.
- Energy Piles in the Netherlands. Funded by NWO.
Energy pile displacements due to cyclic thermal loading at different mechanical load levels
Mouadh Rafai / Diana Salciarini / Philip J. Vardon
Numerical analysis of far-field fault reactivation induced by reservoir cooling
Josselin Ouf / Philip J. Vardon / Kavan Khaledi / Wen Luo / Mohammadreza Jalali / Florian Amann
Sustainable energy experiments and demonstrations
Reviewing research, market and societal trends
Bart Bossink / G. de Vries / Martin Bloemendal / O. Isabella / T. Keviczky / M. Khosravi / T. Konstantinou / E. Mlecnik / R. Santbergen / P.J. Vardon / More Authors -
Temporal stability and risk analysis of soil slopes subject to rainfall
The influence of heterogeneity
Cheng Qian / Yajun Li / Philip J. Vardon / Wei Shao / Jiahe Song / Bin Zhang / Nengxiong Xu -
The thermo-mechanical impact of long-term energy pile use
Mouadh Rafai / Diana Salciarini / Philip J. Vardon
Courses 2024
- Heating and Cooling Sources
- Heating and Cooling…
- Heat Storage
- Heat Storage
- Energy Storage
- Fundamentals of R and WE
- Bouwplaats 2
- Grondmechanica practicum
- Grondmechanica
- Interdisciplinary Mechanics…
- Geotechnical Modelling
- Geotechnical Modelling
- Environmental and Energy…
- Grondmechanica
Courses 2023
Geothermie Delft 2024
Appeared in: Delta
Geothermie Delft 2023
Appeared in: Omroep Delft
18 miljoen euro voor onderzoek naar duurzaam gebruik van onze ondergrond
Appeared in: TU Delft
Aardwarmte met lithiumwinning als bijverdienste
Appeared in: Delta
Een aardwarmtebron voor onderzoek op de campus van TU Delft
Appeared in: TU Delft Stories of Science
Le trophée des Étoiles de l'Europe - Innovation prize
The Ministry of Higher Education, Research and Innovation in France created the honorary prize entitled "the Stars of Europe". This trophy aims to reward and promote the European commitment of teams of researchers who have distinguished themselves by the success of their projects. The Stars of Europe trophy rewards bringing together and mobilizing the research community to celebrate the successes achieved in Europe.
The project NARSIS was granted the prize with a special mention for innovation. Vardon was a work package leader in the project.
NENnovation Award
The Energy sheet pile wall innovation was awarded to a consortium (CRUX (consortium leader), Gooimeer, Groep Duurzame Energie, TU Delft and TU Eindhoven): https://nenmagazine.nen.nl/nenmagazine-4-2020/crux/
Environmental Geotechnics Prize
For the article 'Energy balance at the soil atmospheric interface'
ICE Publishing Awards Ceremony -
InterPore Rosette
Best paper award in Q3 2016 in Géotechnique Letters
Ancillary activities
2020-04-01 - 2026-04-01
2022-10-01 - 2025-10-31
Consultancy / research and other