eHealth Lab
eHealth, the use of ICT in healthcare, is increasingly becoming a societal and research-driven topic. eHealth projects typically have a multistakeholder consortium involving at least patients, care providers, medical specialists, ICT developers and industrial design researchers.
Industrial Design research contributes knowledge and creative skills on human centered design to ehealth. We aim to understand and design how eHealth can be made useful and relevant for all stakeholders. To reach this aim we conduct research on human centered design, interaction design, product service design, shared decision making, patient profiling, persuasive game design and robotics.
The Faculty of Industrial Design Engineering has initiated the eHealth@IDE platform. eHealth@IDE stimulates collaboration in research, education, and valorisation on eHealth. At this moment the platform hosts the following domains:
- Teamwork & Decision Making – Marijke Melles
- Design for Ageing – Armagan Albayrak
- Smart Networked Products – Marco Rozendaal
- Persuasive Game Design – Valentijn Visch

Valentijn Visch
- +31 (0)15 27 84951
Room C-3-260