Veel van onze professoren, docenten en onderzoekers hebben boeken, papers en meer geschreven of eraan bijgedragen. Van innovatiemanagement tot materialen en duurzaamheid, de vele kanten van Industrial Design Engineering komen terug in de inhoud hieronder.
Jan Schoonhoven - Delft
Author: Hendrik van Leeuwen, Marga Schoemaker, Sylvia Pont
Publisher: Stichting Licht op Schoonhoven
ISBN: 978-90-9029-246-5
Published: 2015
This book offers a comprehensive look at Dutch artist Jan Schoonhoven, particularly focusing on his work in and influence on Delft. It includes both black-and-white and color illustrations, covering Schoonhoven's minimalist relief works, sketches, and cultural impact.
Sketching: Product Design Presentation
Authors: Koos Eissen, Roselien Steur
Publisher: BIS Publisher
ISBN: 978-90-6369-329-9
Published: 2014
For designers, sketching is a daily activity that can serve many goals. You can sketch to brainstorm, to find and articulate ideas or to present projects to clients and production companies. All these goals require different sketching techniques, which will be even more effective if you understand how people view your sketches and how you can use your sketches to improve your way of communicating what you want.
Sketching: The Basics
Authors: Koos Eissen, Roselien Steur
Publisher: BIS Publishers
ISBN: 978-90-6369-253-7
Published: 2011
This book explains the basic sketching techniques and decisions more in depth and provides much more step-by-step example drawings, which makes it even more suitable for students and professionals who want to become better sketchers.
Sketching: Drawing techniques for product designers
Authors: Koos Eissen, Roselien Steur
Publisher: BIS Publishers
ISBN: 978 90 6369 171 4
Published: 2007
Some may think sketching is a disappearing skill, but if you ever enter a design studio, you will find out differently. Studios still make sketches and drawings by hand and in most cases, quite a lot of them. They are an integral part of the decisionmaking process, used in the early stages of design, in brainstorming sessions, in the phase of research and concept exploration, and in presentation.
Pride and Prejudice
Authors (from IDE): Rick Schifferstein, Jos Kraal, Marina Bos-de Vos, Mailin Lemke, Boudewijn Boon and Niko Vegt
About the authors: The Pride and Prejudice project was part of the ‘High Tech for a Sustainable Future’ program of the 4TU.Federation and was being implemented by a unique combination of researchers from TU Delft, TU/e in Eindhoven, University of Twente, and Wageningen University.
Published: 2024
After 5 years, results of the Pride & Prejudice project were summarised in a magazine. The challenge to tackle chronic disease prevention resulted in a variety of approaches creating and evaluating interventions in people’s physical activity and eating behavior
Circular Business: Collaborate and Circulate
Authors: Christiaan Kraaijenhagen, Cécile van Oppen and Nancy Bocken
Publisher: Circular Collaboration
ISBN: 978-90-8249-020-6
Published: 2016
Collaboration is important for creating a Circular Economy, but how do you do that? Based on existing cases (including Patagonia, Gispen, Interface, Desso, Riversimple and NNOF), they have developed 10 steps that should help organizations become circular – from pilot to scaling up.
Creative Facilitation
Author: Marc Tassoul
Publisher: VSSD
ISBN: 978-90-6562-200-6
Published: 2009
Learning to become creative really happens through experience, by looking at other people practicing creative tasks, by trying recipes oneself, by finding out what works and what doesn't, and last but not least, by discovering oneself in the context of creative tasks.
Delft Design Guide: Perspectives, Models, Approaches and Methods
Authors: Annemiek van Boeijen, Jaap Daalhuizen, Jelle Zijlstra
Publisher: BIS Publishers
ISBN: 978-90-6369-540-8
Published: 2020
Delft Design Guide provides an overview of the perspectives, models, approaches, and methods used in the bachelor's and master's curriculum of Industrial Design Engineering at Delft University of Technology (TU Delft). Some of these are unique to the university, others are well known and are used by designers worldwide.
Design Roadmapping: Guidebook for Future Foresight Techniques
Author: Lianne Simonse
Publisher: TU Delft OPEN
ISBN: 978-94-6366-796-8
Published: June 2024
This book is for anyone interested in design, strategy and innovation, and its wonderful combinations. For those who dare to create a future vision, frame the time pacing and map the pathways towards it.
Design Things That Make Sense
Author: Deborah Nas
Publisher: BIS Publishers
ISBN: 978-90-6369-614-6
Published: May 2021
Design Things That Make Sense is a technology-based innovation guide that helps innovators, product owners, individuals involved in developing design strategy, and anyone else participating in the product management and design process.
Images of Design Thinking
Authors: Rianne Valkenburg, Janneke Sluijs, Maaike Kleinsmann
Publisher: BOOM Uitgevers Amsterdam
ISBN: 978-90-5875-602-2
Published: 2016
This book is intended for professionals and students with a passion for innovation. It presents a novel approach to innovation for use by anyone who creates new products, services, concepts or interventions -a designerly approach.
Innovation for Sustainability: Business Transformations Towards a Better World
Authors: Wouter Kersten, Jan Carel Diehl, Jo van Engelen (Chapter 16)
Editors: Nancy Bocken, Paavo Ritala, Laura Albareda, Robert Verburg
Publisher: Palgrave Macmillan
ISBN: 978-3-319-97385-2
Published: 2019
The aim of this edited book is to provide a comprehensive overview of the opportunities and challenges related to innovation for sustainability. Combining work from both emerging and established scholars in different academic fields, this book provides an integrated understanding of the topic from four perspectives.
Productontwerpen, structuur en methoden (2nd edition)
Authors: Norbert Roozenburg, Johannes Eekels
Publisher: BOOM Uitgevers Amsterdam
ISBN: 978-90-5189-706-7
Published: 1998
Industrial designers design and develop products for the consumer market and for professional use. This book deals with the methodological aspects of that process. It discusses the foundations of thinking and doing in product design and product development, and provides an overview of the most important methods.
Service Design by Industrial Designers
Author: Froukje Sleeswijk Visser
Published: 2013
This book is aimed at people who want to learn more about the current dynamics and challenges the wave of service design brings to design practice. We critically reflect on recent developments related to service design and specifically on the consequences for the education of a new generation designers to deliver value to design practice.
Strategic Design: Eight Essential Practices Every Strategic Designer Must Master
Authors: Giulia Calabretta, Gerda Gemser, Ingo Karpen
Publisher: BIS Publishers
ISBN: 978 90 6369 445 6
Published: 2021
This book proposes eight strategic design practices for design professionals who seek to grow or have already grown into a more strategic role in innovation.
Authors: Frido Smulders, Meike Brehmer, Han van der Meer
Publisher: Mosaic Business Publishers
ISBN: 978 90 8150 530 7
Published: 2012
This is a book on student teamwork written by students, for students. The 176 student-authors co-created the chapters of this book in teams during a course on Project Leadership. In other words, they were experiencing teamwork while writing about it.
Urban Interaction Design Towards City Making
Authors: Martin Brynskov, Juan Carlos Carvajal Bermúdez, Manu Fernández, Henrik Korsgaard, Ingrid Mulder, Katarzyna Piskorek, Lea Rekow, Martijn de Waal
Publisher: Book Sprints
Published: 2014
How do you describe emerging trends within a forming field? In this case, it was done by bringing eight people from very different backgrounds together, but who all have a shared interest in urban interaction design.
This book was written in five days during a Book Sprint collaborative writing session, from March 24th to March 28th, 2014, in Neuhausen, Germany.
Vision in Product Design: A Guidebook for Innovators
Authors: Matthijs van Dijk, Paul Hekkert
Publisher: BIS Publisher
ISBN: 978-90-6369-205-6
Published: 2011
Together, the book's authors, design practitioners, and educators, have poured 15 years of knowledge, practice and research into this book. The result? The first book about how, as a designer, to formulate a vision for new and appropriate products.
Het camouflage effect
Author: Ronald van der Vorst
Publisher: Uitgeverij Balans
ISBN: 978-94-6003-637-8
Published: 2013
In this book, top strategist and entrepreneur Roland van der Vorst shows how people, brands, systems and ideas rise to the top by ‘camouflaging away’ their competitors. Airily written and with many examples, but at least as much depth, he describes the unique principles of sustainable standing out.
Hoop: How we are tempted by the future
Author: Ronald van der Vorst
Publisher: Nieuw Amsterdam
ISBN: 978-90-4680-687-6
Published: 2009
In this exceptionally designed and richly illustrated book, Roland van der Vorst unravels the secret behind evoking hope. Using insights from psychology, philosophy, sociology and history, he describes an inspiring theory about a fascinating phenomenon that drives us every day.
Nieuwsgierigheid: How We Are Tempted Every Day
Author: Ronald van der Vorst
Publisher: Nieuw Amsterdam
ISBN: 978-90-4680-334-9
Published: 2009
In this illustrated book, Roland van der Vorst reveals the principles behind arousing curiosity. It shows in an accessible way how our thinking about curiosity has changed over time. It takes the reader from Aristotle to the very latest gadgets from the virtual world. ‘Curiosity’ is a book for anyone who wants to know how they are made curious every day and how they can make others curious....
Product & Consument
Authors: Fred van Raaij, Gerrit Antonides, Walle Oppedijk van Veen, Jan Schoormans
Publisher: Boom Lemma Publishers
ISBN: 978 90 5189 762 3
Published: 1999
New products prove to be an important tool for influencing consumer behaviour. New features to a product, which have a ‘real’ added value for consumers, sometimes prove capable of attracting large numbers of consumers and turning markets upside down. The design of this book is based on a consumer encountering a product for the first time, which happens all the time in everyday life.
Productontwikkeling en Marketing
Authors: Erik Hultink, Jan Schoormans
Publisher: Pearson Benelux
ISBN: 978-90-4300-867-9
Published: 2006
This book covers a variety of topics such as determining what kind of products a company and its target market want, finding ideas for new products through consumer research, as well as choosing a particular launch campaign for a new product.
Bamboo: a Sustainable Solution for Western Europe Design Cases, LCAs and Land-use
Authors: Pablo van der Lugt, Han Brezet, Joost G. Vogtländer
Publisher: Sustainability Impact Metrics
ISBN: 978-90-6562-196-2
Published: 2009
This book explores bamboo as an environmentally friendly material suitable for Western Europe, combining case studies, life cycle analyses (LCAs), and land-use evaluations to assess bamboo's potential. It highlights bamboo's sustainability, economic benefits, and versatility in design and architecture. The book also considers bamboo's ability to reduce environmental impact compared to conventional materials, making it a key resource in sustainable design strategies.
Co-design and Sustainable Food in Vietnam
Author: Jotte de Koning
Publisher: Asian Institute of Technology in Vietnam
ISBN: 978-90-9029-806-1
Published: 2017
This “Co-design of Sustainable Food in Vietnam” booklet is written for everyone, especially companies, consumers and experts, who want to organize a co-design workshop in Vietnam, with focus on food and sustainability. It includes the methodology, a step-by-step facilitation manual and the results of implemented co-design workshops. We hope that readers will be equipped with enough knowledge and be inspired to conduct more and more co-creation activities.
Interactive Media for Sustainability
Author: Roy Bendor
Publisher: Palgrave Macmillan Cham
ISBN (Soft Cover): 978-3-030-09954-1
Published: 2018
Interactive Media for Sustainability presents a conceptually rich, critical account of the design and use of interactive technologies to engage the public with sustainability. Treating interactive technologies as forms of mediation, the book argues that these technologies advance multiple understandings of sustainability. It is part of the book series, "Palgrave Studies in Media and Environmental Communication".
LCA-based assessment of sustainability: the Eco-costs / Value Ratio EVR
Authors: Charles Hendriks, Han Brezet, Joost G. Vogtländer
Publisher: Sustainability Impact Metrics
ISBN: 978-90-6562-233-4
Published: 2009
The primary purpose of this book is to provide students, and other people who are interested in the subject of sustainablility, with theoretical background information on the eco-costs system and the model of the Eco-costs/Value Ratio (EVR).
Manufacturing and Design
Authors: Erik Tempelman, Hugh Shercliff, Bruno Ninaber van Eyben
Publisher: Elsevier
ISBN: 978-0-08-099922-7
Published: 2014
This book presents a fresh view on the world of industrial production: thinking in terms of both abstraction levels and trade-offs. It invites its readers to distinguish between what is possible in principle for a certain process (as determined by physical law); what is possible in practice (the production method as determined by industrial state-of-the-art); and what is possible for a certain supplier (as determined by its production equipment). Specific processes considered here include metal forging, extrusion, and casting; plastic injection molding and thermoforming; additive manufacturing; joining; recycling; and more.
Materials Experience
Authors: Elvin Karana, Owain Pedgley, Valentina Rognoli
Publisher: Elsevier
ISBN: 978-0-08-099359-1
Published: 2013
Nature Inspired Design
Authors: Erik Tempelman, Bram van der Grinten, Ernst-Jan Mul, Ingrid de Pauw
Publisher: Boekengilde
ISBN: 978-94-6108-939-7
Published: 2015
Products that last
Authors: Conny Bakker, Marcel den Hollander & Ed van Hinte
Publisher: BIS Publisher
ISBN: 978-94-6186-386-7
Published: 2014
Still Alive: Livingness as a Material Quality in Design
Author: Elvin Karana
Publisher: Avans Hogeschool
ISBN: 978 90 76861 61 6
Published: 2020
The Power of Design
Authors: Angele Reinders, Jan Carel Diehl and Han Brezet
Publisher: Wiley
ISBN: 978-1-118-36115-3
Published: 2012
Waste electrical and electronic equipment (WEEE) handbook
Authors: Vannessa Goodship, Ab Stevels, Jaco Huisman
Publisher: Elsevier
ISBN: 978-08-5709-089-8
Published: 2012
A Friendly Rest Room: Developing Toilets of the Future for Disabled and Elderly People
Authors: Johan Molenbroek, John Mantas, Renate de Bruin
Publisher: IOS Press BV
ISBN: 978-1-60750-751-2
Published: 2011
Advances in Social and Organizational Factors
Author: Peter Vink
Publisher: Routledge
ISBN: 978-1439870198
Published: 2012
The Envisioning Use workshop
Authors: Stella Boess, Mieke van der Bijl-Brouwer, Christelle Harkema
Publisher: Delft University of Technology
ISBN: 978 90 5155 083 2
Published: 2011
CRISP #1, Don't You Design Chairs Anymore?
Authors: Paul Hekkert, B Raijmakers, Janneke Vervloed, Christine de Lille
Publisher: Delft University of Technology
ISBN: 978-94-6186-149-8
Published: 2013
CRISP #2, Value Matters
Authors: Paul Hekkert, B Raijmakers, Janneke Vervloed, Christine de Lille
Publisher: Delft University of Technology
ISBN: 978-94-6186-223-5
Published: 2013
CRISP #3, Fake it/Make it
Authors: Pieter Jan Stappers, Froukje Sleeswijk Visser, Paul Hekkert, Christine de Lille
Publisher: Delft University of Technology
ISBN: 978-94-6186-291-4
Published: 2014
CRISP #4, Well, Well, Well..
Authors: Anna Pohlmeyer, Pieter Desmet, Janneke Vervloed, Christine de Lille
Publisher: Delft University of Technology
ISBN: 978-94-6186-370-6
Published: 2014
CRISP #5, This Is Crisp
Authors: Pieter Jan Stappers, Janneke Vervloed, Christine de Lille, Paul Hekkert
Publisher: Delft University of Technology
ISBN: 978-94-6186-473-4
Published: 2015
Geometric Modeling and Reasoning of Human-Centered Freeform Products
Author: Charlie C. L. Wang
Publisher: Springer London
ISBN: 978-1-4471-4360-4
Published: 2012
REIL - Projects and analyses of urban ecologies and mobilities
Authors: Stephan van Dijk, Sacha Silvester, Satish Beella, Stella Boess
Publisher: Delft University of Technology
Published: 2013
Convivial Toolbox: generative research for the front end of design
Authors: Elizabeth Sanders, Pieter Jan Stappers
Publisher: BIS Publisher
ISBN: 978 90 6369 284 1
Published: 2012
Product Experience
Authors: Hendrik N.J. Schifferstein, Paul Hekkert
Publisher: Elsevier
ISBN: 987 00 8045 089 6
Published: 2007
Design for Usability: Methods & Tools – A Practitioner’s Guide
Authors: Jasper van Kuijk, Daan van Eijk, Chajoong Kim, et al.
Publisher: IOP IPCR Design for Usability Project
ISBN: 978-94-6186-077-4
Published: 2012
Vehicle Seat: Comfort and Design
Author: Peter Vink
Publisher: Pumbo
ISBN: 978-94-6186-688-2
Published: 2016

Enriching Experiences
Desmet, P.M.A., van Erp, J., & Hu, C.
Published in 2008
Advances in Occupational, Social, and Organizational Ergonomics
Authors: Peter Vink, Jussi Kantola
Publisher: CRC Press
ISBN: 978-1138117631
Published: 2017
From Floating Wheelchairs to Mobile Car Parks: A Collection of 35 Experience-Driven Design Projects
Authors: Pieter Desmet, Rick Schifferstein
Publisher: Eleven International Publishing
ISBN: 978-90-5931-612-6
Published: 2010
Aircraft interior comfort and design
Authors: Peter Vink, Klaus Brauer
Publisher: CRC Press
ISBN: 978-1-4398-6305-3
Published: 2011
Heritage and Social Media: Understanding Heritage in a Participatory Culture
Author: Elisa Giaccardi
Publisher: Routledge
ISBN: 978-0415616676
Published: 2012
Positive Design
Author: Pieter Desmet
Publisher: Delft University of Technology
ISBN: 978-94-6186-183-2
Published: 2013
Show me the money
Authors: Peter van Gelderen, Jeroen van Erp, Joren Schep
Publisher: Federatie Dutch Creative Industries
ISBN: 978-90-9029-112-3
Published: 2015
The World According to Concrete
Authors: Aaron Betsky, Gustav Beumer, Pieter Desmet, Timo de Rijk
Publisher: NAi
ISBN: 978-9056624835
Published: 2007
Comfort and Design: principles and good practice
Author: Peter Vink
Publisher: CRC Press
ISBN: 978-1420038132
Published: 2005
Design & Emotion Moves
Authors: Pieter Desmet, Jeroen van Erp, MariAnne Karlsson
Publisher: Cambridge Scholars Publishing
ISBN: 978-1-4438-0016-7
Published: 2008
Positive design: Delft students design for our well-being
Authors: Pieter Desmet
Publisher: Delft University of Technology
ISBN: 978-94-6186-912-8
Published: 2018
Think like a designer, don't act like one
Author: Jeroen van Erp
Publisher: BIS Publishers
ISBN: 9789063694852
Published: 2018
FACT: A guide to effective academic communication
Authors: Stella Boess, Lise Magnier
Publisher: Delft University of Technology
ISBN: 978-94-6366-027-3
Published: 2018
Inleiding Construeren
Author: Daan Haeyen, Bas Flipsen
Publisher: Boom
ISBN: 978 90 2440 716 3
Published: 2018
Da's toch Logisch
Authors: Sjaak Evers, Jurriaan Cals, Henk van der Steen, Willemijn Brouwer
ISBN: 978 90 8134 800 3
Published: 2015
About Design: Analysing Design Meetings
Author: Janet McDonnell, Peter Lloyd
Publisher: CRC Press
ISBN: 978-0415440585
Published: 2009
Web Information Retrieval
Authors: Stefano Ceri , Alessandro Bozzon , Marco Brambilla , Emanuele Della Valle , Piero Fraternali , Silvia Quarteroni
Publisher: Springer
ISBN: 978 3 642 39313 6
Published: 2013
Is It Good Enough…
Author: Jeroen van Erp
Publisher: Lecturis
ISBN: 9789462261433
Published: 2020
Metro Oostlijn Amsterdam, designing the system
Authors: Maarten van Bremen, Jeroen van Erp & Maarten Lever
ISBN: 9789462262706
Published: 2020
Culture Sensitive Design – A guide to culture in practice
Authors: Annemiek van Boeijen, Yvo Zijlstra
Publisher: BIS Publishers
ISBN: 978-90-6369-561-3
Published: 2020
Things2Things: Reframing the Internet of Things as a platform for design
Authors: Elisa Giaccardi, Chris Speed, Matthijs Netten (eds.)
Publisher: Delft University of Technolog
ISBN: 978-94-6186-735-3
Published: 2016
This book has been purposely designed to deconstruct the experimental tools, prototypes and insights generated during the Things2Things workshops, and to invite readers to reconstruct their value and implications for their own practice or business.