Dr. V.T. Visch
Dr. V.T. Visch
An eHealth intervention for patients with a low socioeconomic position during their waiting period preceding cardiac rehabilitation
A randomized feasibility study
J.S. Faber / J.J. Kraal / Nienke ter Hoeve / Isra Al-Dhahir / Linda D. Breeman / N.H. Chavannes / A.W.M. Evers / J.B.J. Bussmann / V.T. Visch / Rita J. van den Berg-Emons -
Designing for social relatedness between stroke survivors and eHealth
‘Edo’ an embodied coach for stroke rehabilitation in the home context
P. D'Olivo / A.J. Langerak / D. Spek / J.B.J. Bussmann / M.C. Rozendaal / G.R.H. Regterschot / V.T. Visch -
Erasing stigmas through storytelling
Why interactive storytelling environments could reduce health-related stigmas
Niko Vegt / Valentijn Visch / Wilbert Spooren / Elisabeth F. C. van Rossum / Andrea W. M. Evers / Annemiek van Boeijen -
Gamification in eHealth for Chronic Disease Self-Management in Youth
A Systematic Review
Maartje D. Stutvoet / Lisa Levelt / Micah M. Hrehovcsik / Job van’t Veer / Valentijn T. Visch / Wichor M. Bramer / Manon H.J. Hillegers / Remco C. Veltkamp / Sanne L. Nijhof / Fernando Estévez-López -
How Much Decision Power Should (A)I Have?
Investigating Patients' Preferences Towards AI Autonomy in Healthcare Decision Making
Dajung Kim / Niko Vegt / Valentijn Visch / Marina Bos De Vos -
Onderwijs 2024
Onderwijs 2023
Rehabilitation Year Award 2024
CapriXpress: eHealth ter ondersteuning van de wachtperiode voor hartrevalidatie patiënten met een lage sociaaleconomische positie.
Dutch Congress of Rehabilitation Medicine -
CHI 2024 Best paper honourable mention
For the paper: How Much Decision Power Should (A)I Have?: Investigating Patients’ Preferences Towards AI Autonomy in Healthcare Decision Making
CHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems