Imagine a transport system that offers the best possible travel experience.
A system that is accessible, seamless and considers its users. A system that takes care of the environment. Whether on our daily commute or jetting around the world, we have high expectations. We want travel to be fast, punctual and comfortable. Yet urbanisation and population growth, combined with increasing rates of private ownership, are placing immense pressure on existing transportation systems. The outcome is all too familiar: longer commutes, congestion, pollution and discomfort.
Mobility researchers at the Faculty of Industrial Design Engineering (IDE) envision a future in which seamless travel is the norm and work to make this a reality. We connect stakeholders and explore new technologies and modalities. We embrace the inherent complexity present within these systems and develop practical solutions.

As the mobility sector faces unprecedented and disruptive circumstances, a better understanding of people in transit is vital. With the anchor of human values, our aim as design researchers is to give a meaningful experience, unlocking new opportunities in future travel across all modes of transport.
Euiyoung Kim, Assistant Professor of System Design in Mobility
Current Projects
Delft Design Labs
Delft Design Labs
Discover our research themes
IDE is comprised of three departments: Design, Organisation and Strategy (DOS), Human-Centered Design (HCD), and Sustainable Design Engineering (SDE). Each investigates and uses the design domain for innovation and knowledge creation from its own perspective.