For laparoscopic skills training, this inexpensive and portable Ergo-Lap simulator with diverse tasks choices offers a flexible training opportunity to help medical trainees to improve their skills under ergonomic conditions. Also this is an effective alternative for hospitals without a surgical skills lab.
The design of this portable Ergo-Lap simulator and related training task panel was based on scientific research regarding the representative skills and the ergonomic guidelines for laparoscopic surgery. A user-centered design approach was followed, including several iterations with interim prototypes and expert sessions. Sixty surgical participants with variable laparoscopic experience performed several tasks on the prototype and gave their feedback.

- Ir. Dongjuan Xiao
- Richard Goossens
- Armagan Albayrak, MSc
- Sonja Buzink
- Jack Jakimowicz
- EAES European Association of Endoscopic Surgery