PhD-kandidaten Ir. T. (Thomas) van Arkel Thomas is a PhD candidate at the Faculty of Industrial Design Engineering. His main research interest is in the role that design practices can play in addressing complex societal issues, focusing on generating systemic change within public organisations through the act of design. Ir. Baha, S.E. Guest researcher, Product Innovation Management, Management and Organisation. Expertise: Designers' Identity, Design-Driven Innovation, Good Design, Design History, Design Philosophy, Interaction Design L.E. (Laura) Barendregt Laura is a PhD candidate in the Department of Human-Centred Design exploring intersections of Critical Futures, Critical and Participatory Design, Critical Pedagogy and Public Engagement. Her PhD research seeks to understand how design can contribute to the development of more critical, inclusive and democratic ways of engaging with futures, with a specific focus on public participation. She is considering the potentials and challenges of critical participatory futuring in the contexts of natural disaster, flood risk management and climate adaptation in the Netherlands. MSc. Beardow, C. Caiseal Beardow is a PhD Candidate at TU Delft. Areas of expertise: Interface design, metaphors, mental models, quantum computing, human-computer interaction, physics education, computer science education MSc. Beek, E. van PhD candidate, Service and Product Innovation. Expertise: Product Service Systems, Participatory Design, Energy Studies, Heat Pumps, Data in Innovation, Intelligent Systems, Organisational Design, Buildings. Riel Bessai PhD Candidate | Expertise: Regenerative design, Carbon-negative materials, Bio-based materials, Post-growth Bart Bluemink Lecturer Section Management and Organisation. Expertise: Innovation Management, Design Strategy, Design Engineering, Project Risk Management, Lean Project Planning Fredrik Bodell PhD Candidate in digital health implementation at IDE | Expertise: Digital health, implementation, service prototyping Karin Bogdanova PhD candidate| Expertise: digital mental health, human-AI collaboration, pragmatist aesthetics Julieta Bolaños Arriola PhD Candidate | Expertise: Circular product design, Design for repair, Safe and circular by Design, Circular design methods Puck Bos PhD Candidate | Expertise: Bio-based Plastics, Circular Product Design MSc. Bostan, I. PhD candidate. Expertise: Cognitive Ergonomics of Human-System Interaction; optimal information delivery to users. Bozali, B. PhD candidate Noa van den Brink Noa is a PhD candidate at the Faculty of Industrial Design Engineering exploring how we can design digital technology to support the healthy lifestyle of young families in vulnerable situations. She is interested in how values of families and stakeholders in the social and medical care system around them can play a role in the development of such technologies. Bulygin, D.I. PhD candidate Vera van der Burg Vera van der Burg is a PhD candidate at TU Delft. She is a designer and researcher specializing in Artificial Intelligence and Design | Expertise: Collaborative AI, design processes, creativity, reflection, psychology, arts. Alice Buso Alice Buso is a PhD candidate in animated textiles at TU Delft. | Expertise: Material Driven Design, Textiles, Textile Experience, Weaving, Interfaces Israel Carrete PhD Candidate | Expertise: Structural Reuse, Composites, Circular Product Design, Circular Applications Through Selection Strategies (CATSS) Jeroen Coelen Lecturer of Product Innovation Management. | Expertise: Startups, Entrepreneurship, Lean experimentation, Business modeling Sagar Dangal PhD candidate of Design Engineering and Circular Product Design. | Expertise: Circular Product Design, Design for Repair, Aviation, Seat Design, Comfort Ir. Das, M.N.S. PhD candidate MSc. Degachi, C. PhD Candidate MSc. Di Staso, D. PhD candidate MSc. Dideriksen, S. T. PhD Candidate Dorien van Dolderen PhD Researcher | Expertise: Design for Recycling, Design Methods, Circular Product Design Pelin Esnaf-Uslu PhD candidate. | Expertise: designing for mood sensitivity, design for mood regulation, positive design, research through design, empathic design. Eva Frese PhD candidate of Product Innovation Management. | Expertise: Front End of Innovation, Innovation Management, Corporate Entrepreneurship, Idea Evaluation/Selection, Design for Implementation, Food Design Emma Fromberg PhD Candidate | Expertise: Circular Product Design, Ecological Design Thinking, Sustainable Value Chains, Circular Metaphors, Systemic Design Alejandra Gomez Ortega Alejandra Gomez is a PhD candidate at the Faculty of Industrial Design Engineering. MSc. Gomez-Beldarrain, G. PhD Candidate Hannah Goss PhD candidate, Designing for Food Waste Reduction. | Expertise: Social Design, Transition Design, Food Waste, Design for Behaviour Change. Lyè Goto PhD candidate of Applied Ergonomics and Design. | Expertise: Medisign, User-centered design, 3D Anthropometry Groutars, E.G. PhD Candidate (Eric) Heng Gu Eric H. Gu is a PhD Candidate at IDE. | Expertise: AI, Co-design, Human-Computer-Interaction Mahshid Hasankhani PhD Candidate | Expertise: Designing integrated sustainable energy solutions; Analyzing uncertainties; Bridging strategic decision-making between business, technology, and engineering Tianhao He Tianhao He is a PhD Candidate at TU Delft MSc. Houtman, T.A. PhD candidate Tamara Hoveling PhD Candidate | Expertise: Medical device design, Clinical innovation, Sustainable healthcare, Circular design Sterre Lidwine de Jager Sterre de Jager is a PhD Candidate at IDE TU Delft in the Design, Organisation and Strategy department. Her research interests include value-based project management, design for societal transformation, and joint value creation across various domains (e.g. urban environment, circularity, and fashion). Ir. Kernan Freire, S. PhD candidate. Expertise: Smart Manufacturing, AI & Design, Digital Intelligent Assistants. Kim, A. PhD candidate, Design, Organisation and Strategy, Design Theory and Methodology Kim, J. PhD Candidate MSc. Kim, S. PhD Candidate Tekla Komlóssy PhD Candidate | Expertise: Co-creation, Participatory Design, Systemic Design, Transition Design, Design for Sustainability, Circular Economy, Circular Product Design Kruithof, A.R. PhD student. Expertise: Ergonomics and human factors, 3d modelling and interaction design. Jason LaRoche PhD Candidate | Expertise: Sustainable healthcare, Clinical trials, Sustainable care pathways, Circular business models Liu, Q. PhD candidate MSc. Louwers, G.L.M. PhD candidate Drs. Maden, W.L.A. van der PhD candidate. Expertise: Artificial Intelligence, Well-being, Design Methodology, Well-being Assessment. Emile Mazerant Emile Mazerant is a PhD candidate at the Faculty of Industrial Design Engineering. Areas of expertise: Socio-interactive perspective on design and innovation, social dynamics in reframing processes, absorptive capacity of organizations, and more. MArch, Mehrvarz, M. PhD candidate MSc. Meijer, W. PhD candidate MA, Melo Signerez, P PhD Candidate Xueqing Miao Xueqing Miao is a PhD candidate at TU Delft. Expertise: Reusable packaging, Sustainable consumer behaviour, Circular Economy, Sustainable Society MSc. Milias, V. PhD candidate Hosana Cristina Morales Ornelas Hosana Morales is a PhD Candidate at the Faculty of Industrial Design Engineering. | Expertise: Evidence-Based Design, Health Outcomes, Healthcare Design, Design Methodology, Data-Enabled Design MA. Ng, W. PhD candidate. Expertise: Mycelium, Bio Materials, Sensorial. Iohanna Nicenboim PhD candidate, Human Information Communication Design. Expertise: Complex socio-technical systems, Connected everyday life MSc, Nieuwborg, A. PhD candidate Jesse Nijdam PhD candidate, Designing Intelligence Lab. Expertise: Design for Interaction, Collaborative Artificial Intelligence, Multimodal Interfaces, Human-Computer Interaction. MSc. Onasanya, A. PhD candidate Alma van Oudheusden PhD Candidate in circular product design | Expertise: Product repair, 3D Printing & Scanning, Sustainability & Energy Patil, M. PhD candidate Anna Peeters Anna-Louisa Peeters is a PhD candidate at IDE. | Expertise: transition design, reframing, food system MSc. Peng, Z. PhD candidate M.A. Qiu, Y. PhD candidate Clarice Risseeuw Clarice Risseeuw is a PhD candidate at TU Delft. Her research focuses on exploring the potential of Flavobacteria’s living colour for interaction design. Ristau, S. PhD candidate Karlheinz Samenjo PhD Candidate and Co-Director of Inclusive Global Health Lab | Expertise: Product, service, and system design for resource-constrained settings in Sub-Saharan Africa and other regions globally Ir. Smulders, M. Lecturer and PhD candidate, Design Engineering. Expertises: Human Factors & Ergonomics, Sleeping in transit, Comfort, Seat design, Aviation Alev Sönmez PhD candidate. Expertise: Design for Group Vibe, Design for Mood Regulation, Positive Design, Research through Design. Deanne Spek PhD Candidate Yingtao Sun Yingtao Sun is a PhD candidate at the Faculty of Industrial Design Engineering. Research Interests: Healthcare Systems, Systems Approach, Design Thinking Mr. Tajdari, F. PhD candidate Roos Teeuwen PhD candidate, Design Engineering, Design for Sustainability Aniek Toet Aniek Toet is a PhD Candidate at IDE. | Expertise: multimodal, passenger experience, service design Elisabeth Tschavgova PhD Candidate | Expertise: Systemic Design, Transition Design, Co-creation, Participatory Design, Design for Sustainability, Green Transitions Turtle, G.L. PhD candidate MSc Van Leeuwen, G.E. PhD candidate Verindi Vekemans Verindi Vekemans is a PhD Candidate at IDE. | Expertise: Biodesign, HCI and Materials Experience Ir. Vledder, G. PhD candidate MA. Wang, T. PhD Candidate. Expertise: Design for healthcare, Design for patient experience, Design for aging, Human-Centered design, Interaction design. MSc. Wartena, B.O. PhD candidate Maaike Weber PhD Candidate | Expertise: Safe and circular by design, Circular design methods, Sustainable product design, Systemic design Ir. Wesseling, A.J.B. PhD candidate MSc. Wiese, L. PhD candidate Msc. Yan, D. PhD candidate Yao, X. PhD candidate, Design Engineering, Mechatronic Design. Expertise: Design for Experience, Comfort, Human Factors, User-Centered Design MSc. Yuan, T. PhD candidate, Sustainable Design Engineering, Mechatronic Design MSc. Yurrita Semperena, M. PhD candidate MSc. Zhou, Y. PhD candidate. Expertise: human-robot interaction, social robot navigation, and computer vision. Céline Offerman Céline Offerman is a PhD candidate at IDE. | Expertise: love & sex, cancer, care MSc. van Essen, A. PhD candidate MSc., Westervaarder, JTE Jelle Westervaarder is a PhD Candidate at TU Delft. Areas of expertise: Consumer Marketing, Responsible Marketing, Consumer Behavior, Sustainable Consumer Behavior, Nudging (Choice architecture), Circular Economy Akay, M. Mert Akay is a PhD candidate within HCD at IDE. His research focuses on climate action and digital participation. Esdras Paravizo de Brito Esdras Paravizo is a visiting PhD researcher at the TU Delft | Faculty of Industrial Design Engineering. Esdras is pursuing a PhD focussing on design creativity. Maike Klip Veltman PhD Candidate (DOS). Maike is conducting research on how government service organizations (GSOs) can design and deliver public services that are good for (the) people. Hanchu Sun Hanchu Sun is a PhD candidate at the Faculty of Industrial Design Engineering at Delft University of Technology. His PhD research centers on exploring design interventions that can help to strengthen the newness value (a.k.a epistemic value) that consumers perceive in owned consumer electronics, thereby fostering prolonged product usage and mitigating premature obsolescence. This PhD research is part of the VICI-grant project on 'slowing down premature obsolescence: Keeping the value in consumer electronics high by design'. He joined the IDE faculty as a PhD candidate in April 2024. In 2023, Hanchu obtained his MSc in Strategic Product Design with cum laude (i.e., distinction) from the Faculty of Industrial Design Engineering at TU Delft. He had previously graduated in 2019 with a Bachelor of Engineering in Industrial Design from the University of Liverpool, UK. Expertise: sustainable consumer behavior; product longevity; circular economy; socio-technical transition; technology ethics Yuguang Zhao Yuguang Zhao is a PhD candidate at IDE. | Expertise: visual perception, user experience, visual design | Standing at the intersection of design, art, and science, Yuguang is a PhD candidate in the Perceptual Intelligence Lab. His research focuses on visual and art perception, aiming to understand human visual perception through the lens of art. With a BSc in Communication Engineering and an MSc in Human-Techology Interaction, his interdisciplinary background enriches his ability to solve problems creatively. Deel deze pagina: Facebook Linkedin Twitter Email WhatsApp Deel deze pagina