Workshop: Co-Creating a Vision for the Dutch Mobility System in 2050

Workshop: Co-Creating a Vision for the Dutch Mobility System in 2050 20 september 2024 09:00 t/m 13:00 - Locatie: TU Delft | Campus The Hague (Bezuidenhoutseweg 63, The Hague) | Zet in mijn agenda How do we create a mobility system that is sustainable, affordable, inclusive & equitable, resilient, safe, promotes a healthy lifestyle, and contributes to liveable cities? The Mobilisers , a team of 12 talented mobility researchers from 6 faculties at TU Delft, have embarked on a journey to explore just that. Policymakers and stakeholders are warmly invited to join us on September 20th to learn about the Mobilisers’ draft vision for the Dutch mobility system in 2050 and engage in discussions with other senior stakeholders in the mobility domain about the future of mobility in The Netherlands. The aim of this co-creation event is to fine-tune and enrich the draft vision for the desired future mobility that TU Delft researchers will present, explore possible pathways to achieve this vision, and foster potential collaborations among the stakeholders present. Your knowledge and expertise are highly valuable for shaping the future of the Dutch mobility system as well as steering future academic research and public-private partnerships. We hope that you will join us on September 20! Practical information Date: Friday, September 20, 2024 (during the European Mobility Week 2024) |Location: TU Delft | Campus The Hague (Bezuidenhoutseweg 63, The Hague) Time: 09:00-12:00, followed by lunch (12:00-13:00) Please register, preferably before 17 September: Register here About the Mobilisers The TU Delft | Transport & Mobility Institute took the initiative to launch a vision team entitled ‘Mobilisers’. The goal of this project is to develop scenarios for the future of mobility and transportation from the various disciplines within TU Delft and to arrive at an action plan and research agenda. The Mobilisers co-create their work together with internal and external stakeholders. The Mobiliser team consists of 12 mobility researchers from 6 faculties, supported by experts from the Transport & Mobility Institute, our Innovation & Impact Center, and communication. For an overview of all team members, please visit Mobilisers Team . TU Delft | City on the move This event is part of the TU Delft campaign ‘City on the move’ , in which we highlight how our research and innovative projects contribute to improving urban mobility. With this campaign we participate in the European Mobility Week. Smart mobility hubs, car-free neighbourhoods, zero-emission zones and one day perhaps self-driving and self-parking cars. The city is full of opportunities to improve accessibility, liveability and safety. This is needed, as cities in Europe are becoming increasingly crowded with more residents, more visitors and more logistics. People are stuck in traffic jams, emit a lot of CO2, cause accidents, and finding a parking spot can be a challenge. In our cities, there is a battle for limited space: should we prioritise nature or parking spaces in our streets? Delft urban mobility scientists are developing much-needed knowledge and solutions to make transport in our busy cities smart, clean and safe for everyone. We are building bikes that won't topple over and autonomous boats to deliver packages over water. We are developing apps to make shared transport user-friendly. We are tinkering with algorithms for self-driving, electric vehicles. And we implement car-free neighbourhoods and green corridors for pedestrians. With our tools, data visualizations, digital twins and serious games, we help municipalities in the Netherlands and Europe with their mobility issues. This is how we accelerate the mobility transition and make cities green, safe and accessible for everyone. Read more about the societal challenges we work on on our website .

TU Delft Workshop: Vision for a Desired Mobility System in 2050

TU Delft Workshop: Vision for a Desired Mobility System in 2050 Co-creation workshop for and with the TU Delft mobility community 18 september 2024 14:00 t/m 18:00 | Zet in mijn agenda Societal challenges compel us to re-evaluate how mobility is structured. A team of 12 mobility researchers from 6 faculties – The Mobilisers - have embarked on a journey to explore pathways towards a better Dutch mobility system in 2050. How do we create a mobility system that is sustainable, affordable, inclusive & equitable, resilient, safe, promotes a healthy lifestyle, and contributes to liveable cities? You receive this workshop invitation because one of the Mobilisers thought it would be of interest to you. Vision for a Desired Mobility System On Wednesday, September 18, 2024, the Mobilisers will present their draft vision for the future of the Dutch mobility system. You are invited to attend this presentation, which will be followed by an interactive workshop. The workshop aims to gather feedback from TU Delft mobility researchers like yourself and to connect cutting-edge research at TU Delft to the envisioned future mobility system. We look forward to your valuable contribution and insights. Date: Wednesday, September 18, 2024 (during the European Mobility Week 2024) Location: Vakwerkhuis, Betazaal (close to TU Delft Campus) Time: 14:00-17:00, followed by drinks (17:00-18:00) Please register Dies Mobility Week in January 2025 During this workshop we will also look at the future. The theme for the TU Delft Dies Natalis celebration in January 2025 will be ‘Sustainable Mobility’ (working title) and we’re working on a full-week program with mobility-related events from January 13 untill January 17, with the Dies Natalis celebration as a main event. The Mobilisers will present their vision during that week, and have an active role in various events that TU Delft will organise. Karlijn Spoor, communication adviser at TU Delft, is leading the Dies week programming. She will share a draft program during the September 18 workshop and invite you to explore possibilities to get involved. About the Mobilisers The TU Delft | Transport & Mobility Institute took the initiative to launch a vision team entitled ‘Mobilisers’. The goal of this project is to develop scenarios for the future of mobility and transportation from the various disciplines within TU Delft and to arrive at an action plan and research agenda. The Mobilisers co-create their work together with internal and external stakeholders. The Mobiliser team consists of 12 mobility researchers from 6 faculties, supported by experts from the Transport & Mobility Institute, I&IC, and communication. For an overview of all team members, please visit Mobilisers Team . TU Delft | City on the move This event is part of the TU Delft campaign ‘City on the move’ , in which we highlight how our research and innovative projects contribute to improving urban mobility. With this campaign we participate in the European Mobility Week. Smart mobility hubs, car-free neighbourhoods, zero-emission zones and one day perhaps self-driving and self-parking cars. The city is full of opportunities to improve accessibility, liveability and safety. This is needed, as , and finding a parking spot can be a challenge. In our cities, there is a battle for limited space: should we prioritise nature or parking spaces in our streets? Delft urban mobility scientists are developing much-needed knowledge acities in Europe are becoming increasingly crowded with more residents, more visitors and more logistics. People are stuck in traffic jams, emit a lot of CO2, cause accidentsnd solutions to make transport in our busy cities smart, clean and safe for everyone. We are building bikes that won't topple over and autonomous boats to deliver packages over water. We are developing apps to make shared transport user-friendly. We are tinkering with algorithms for self-driving, electric vehicles. And we implement car-free neighbourhoods and green corridors for pedestrians. With our tools, data visualizations, digital twins and serious games, we help municipalities in the Netherlands and Europe with their mobility issues. This is how we accelerate the mobility transition and make cities green, safe and accessible for everyone. Read more about the societal challenges we work on on our website .

TU Delft AI Lunch – Inclusive AI: Caring with and for AI

TU Delft AI Lunch – Inclusive AI: Caring with and for AI 11 december 2024 12:00 t/m 13:30 - Locatie: Mondai House of AI (@NEXT Delft, Molengraaffsingel 8) | Zet in mijn agenda What does it mean to realize care as a design requirement in the deployment of robots, and more generally in human-machine interactions? And more broadly, what is required to propel a care-based vision within the design of AI systems? Care can be understood as an ethical framework for responsible technology development, as well as for engineering education. In practice, it translates to embracing the principles of interrelation, co-dependence, diversity, and inclusion – combining social, technological, and institutional levels of AI development. But how exactly does this translate into engineering and design practice? Join us for an interactive discussion to explore what it means to care with, and for, AI, and to kick-off the new series on Inclusive AI! Programme 12.00 – 12.30 Walk-in and Lunch 12.30 – 13.30 Panel Discussion on Inclusive AI with Olya Kudina (TPM), Nazli Cila (IDE), Laura Marchal-Crespo (ME), Sara Colombo (IDE) and Arkady Zgonnikov (ME) Registration is required for this event with free lunch. Help us reduce food waste and register timely Panellists Olya Kudina Olya Kudina Assistant Professor of Ethics & Philosophy of Technology (Faculty of Technology, Policy & Management) Olya is an interdisciplinary researcher in philosophy/ethics of technology who explores the relation between human values and technologies. Her recent focus has been on AI and democracy in the framework of the AI DeMoS Lab that she founded and co-leads. To anticipate the ethical challenges and opportunities of technologies, Olya thinks it is essential to combine different academic practices and fields. Nazli Cila Nazli Cila Assistant Professor of Human-Agent Partnerships (Faculty of Industrial Design Engineering) Nazli's work combines interaction design with humanities, integrating empirical work (i.e., experimentation, future modelling, and prototyping) with practical and ethical issues surrounding collaborations with agents. Nazli is co-director of the AI DeMoS Lab. Laura Marchal-Crespo Laura Marchal-Crespo Associate Professor, Faculty of Mechanical Engineering Laura is also affiliated with the ARTORG Center for Biomedical Engineering Research, University of Bern. Laura carries out research in the general areas of human-machine interfaces and biological learning, and, specifically, in the use of robotic assistance and virtual reality to aid people in learning motor tasks and rehabilitate after neurologic injuries. Sara Colombo Sara Colombo Assistant Professor, Faculty of Industrial Design Engineering Sara's research explores innovative approaches for the ethical design of AI applications and the critical examination of their societal impact. Her work involves engaging communities in envisioning AI futures with an emphasis on inclusivity and a participatory approach.Sara is co-director of the newly launched Feminist Generative AI Lab. Arkady Zgonnikov Arkady Zgonnikov Associate Professor in Human-Robot Interaction at the Department of Cognitive Robotics , Faculty of Mechanical Engineering Arkady works in collaboration with researchers in robotics and AI to incorporate these cognitive models into the design of robots and automated driving systems. He believes that theories and models from cognitive psychology and neuroscience will help us to develop autonomous systems that are responsive to human reasons and intentions. The overarching goal of his work is to find ways to develop artificial systems that are highly autonomous but at the same time remain under meaningful human control. About the series Inclusive AI Inclusivity can be understood as a desirable quality of AI systems, encompassing a broad range of pressing societal and technical challenges for the responsible development and deployment of AI systems. It manifests in machine learning through concerns related to fairness, bias, and trustworthiness; societal issues currently underrepresented in discourse (e.g., feminism, neurodiversity, disability studies, care ethics, intersectionality, more-than-human perspectives); and, in engineering and robotics application domains such as healthcare, mobility, urban AI, and the future of work. This new series aims to bring together a growing research community on campus to exploring these topics and foster an interdisciplinary exchange. This lunch will be the first in a series of three panel discussions on Inclusive AI throughout 2024-25. Stay tuned for details on the second lunch in spring 2025. About the Delft AI (Lab) Lunch series This series is part of the monthly Delft AI (Lab) Lunches, a recurring meet-up hosted by the TU Delft AI Labs & Talent community at Mondai | House of AI . Every month, we host a panel to discuss challenges and developments made at the intersection of AI and a specific field. During these events, you can participate, learn, make connections, inspire and be inspired by and with the Delft AI Community. We invite all interested staff and students from TU Delft to join these sessions. Please contact community manager Charlotte Boelens for more information about this series or the TU Delft AI Labs & Talent Programme. Note for TU Delft PhDs The TU Delft AI Lunch series is eligible for earning discipline related skills GSC with the ‘Form for earning GSC for TU Delft AI(-related) seminars’. Check with your local Faculty Graduate School (FGS) if your FGS offers this option for earning Discipline Related Skills GSC; and with your supervisors if they accept our seminars on your Doctoral Education (DE) list. If you already have a form, don’t forget to bring it with you.