
Below you find an overview of the various support services offered by the TU Delft. Don’t hesitate to reach out if you feel in need of any support with regard to your mental health and/or wellbeing at work: these people are there to help you! If you are unsure which service is best suited to your needs, you can contact the Faculty Graduate School of Aerospace Engineering at to help in directing you to the right service.

AE faculty support options

Who? For what? How?
Faculty Graduate School First point of call for all PhD-related queries.
Mentor Sounding board for work-related queries and issues that the PhD candidate does not want to discuss with the supervisory team. The mentor can inform, provide advice, reassure and refer the PhD candidate, if necessary. Contact your mentor via e-mail, if you are unsure who your mentor is, contact
PhD Senior Companion Practical and more informal questions, support during the initial phase of the PhD, social connections.


External Certified Psychologists

OpenUp offers easy and unlimited access to certified psychologists. Any topic can be discussed, no waiting times, no referral needed and no cost for you. Consultations are available in more than 17 languages. In addition, you have unlimited access to a wide range of self-help materials to work on your mental wellbeing independently, such as questionnaires, masterclasses, courses, articles and more.


Let's OpenUp

Self-guided care

Spaces to OpenUp


TU wide support options

Who? For what? How?
TU Delft Social Safety Social safety is a fundamental right of everyone within TU Delft. For us as a university, a safe working and learning environment is indispensable.Only when we work well together, in a safe working atmosphere can we achieve sustainable innovation and contribute to solving urgent societal challenges. More information
TU Delft Psychologists  The psychologists from Career & Counselling Services can provide you as a TU Delft PhD candidate with treatment and support in the event of psychological problems that prevent you from studying effectively or completing your PhD. Their treatment is meant for problems related to, or leading to, stagnation in your PhD process. More information
TU Delft Confidential Advisors Contact for issues relating to academic integrity, social integrity, and organisational integrity. The confidential advisors will listen, refer (if necessary), and offer support and advice. More information

External Confidential Counselor

Carin van der Hor (BMW Voor Elkaar)


Contact when you want a listening ear in the case of encountering undesirable behaviour (bullying, aggression, intimidation) in the workplace. Cannot mediate between different parties in work conflicts. Does not engage in official investigations.

+31 6 4001 6234 

External University Social Worker

Natalie Kroone

Contact If any problems arise in your personal life or your work situations which have a negative impact on your health or hinder your performance. Offers guidance and counselling. Could be any topic, including things like a professional conflict, perceived excessive or inadequate workload, reduced ability to perform, loss of work or position, reintegration after absence, and personal problems (not psychological).

+31 6 22489757

Ombuds Officer

Birgitte Peters

Contact when you want advice on dilemmas or conflicts related to the work sphere. Possible issues include inappropriate behaviour, administrative integrity, conflicts of interest, and neglect of duty. Independent officer, is bound by confidentiality. Takes an impartial stance and has the right to conduct investigations. Mediation is at the core of her job, though if the employee does not want this, the ombuds officer records the report. If multiple reports are filed on the same issue, the ombuds officer takes action on her own initiative (with the privacy of the reporters ensured).

+31 15 278 5439

Company Doctor

Contact if you are dealing with work-related physical and/or mental health problems and want assistance and advice. Offers preventive advice, preventive medical examinations, and sick leave-related counselling. Can refer you to other specialists if necessary.

+31 15 278 3624

Health Coach Program The Health Coach Programme is a vitality programme that focuses on health, resilience and performance. During 6 months you will be coached and given tools to achieve your goals and improve your durable health habits.

More information

Integrity Roadmap TU Delft The Integrity Roadmap for Staff lays out the various pathways to getting any help you might need regarding integrity matters. Check out Integrity and Integrity Roadmap