PhD Council

The main goal of the PhD Council is to act as a sounding board for all the PhD candidates in our Faculty. In cooperation with the Faculty Graduate School they organise different social and scientific events, help improve communication and implement developments within the Faculty Graduate School. 

The PhD Council is looking for new members! If you are interested, please contact the council via the email address below.

The members of the PhD Council can be contacted via

These are the members of the PhD Council of Aerospace Engineering representing their own section:


Allard Veenstra
Section PE
To be determined

Anton Bredenbeck
Section C&S
University PhD Council

Flavio Martins
Section WE
PhD Start-Up

Jakob Smretschnig
Section OE
To be determined

Malte von der Burg
Section OE
Faculty Organisation

Marina Barahona Lopez
Section Aero
PhD Drinks

Miisa Tavaststjerna
Section ASM
To be determined

Sarah Link
Section FPP

Victor Poorte
Section ASM