Ir. A.G.C. (Annemiek) van Boeijen
Ir. A.G.C. (Annemiek) van Boeijen
Annemiek van Boeijen is Assistant Professor Industrial Design at the faculty of Industrial Design Engineering at the Delft University of Technology. She graduated in 1990 as an industrial designer with the design of a carbon fiber racing wheelchair. After that she got involved in international development projects in the field of social design, eco design and sustainability. In 2000, Annemiek started to work in academia and from then she was involved in several curriculum development projects. From integrated design she moved her research to the social sciences and in 2015 she defended her thesis Crossing Cultural Chasms - towards a culture-conscious approach to design. Currently, her research is focused on the role of culture in design processes, with the goal of designing methods and tools, such as Cultura, geared to support designers in cultivating a culture-sensitive approach. She is initiator and co-editor of the Delft Design Guide, an overview of perspectives, models, approaches and methods for design (first edition was translated in Chinese and Japanese), and author of the book Culture Sensitive Design - A guide to culture in practice. She developed and runs the double blended course Culture Sensitive Design Thinking and is regularly invited for lectures and design workshops in both non-western as well as western places in the world, including Shanghai and Hong Kong. Currently she joins the DoCS4Design project, an exchange between six design schools regarding the guidance of PhD candidates in the design field. In short, Annemiek is interested in unraveling our entangled world and understand what design and design education should and could do or undo to restore and maintain diversity.
Different flags over shared terrain
Making sense of ‘design labels’
Pieter Jan Stappers / Froukje Sleeswijk Visser / Annemiek van Boeijen -
Erasing stigmas through storytelling
Why interactive storytelling environments could reduce health-related stigmas
Niko Vegt / Valentijn Visch / Wilbert Spooren / Elisabeth F. C. van Rossum / Andrea W. M. Evers / Annemiek van Boeijen -
Design Labels
The Words that Divide & Unite Us
Pieter Jan Stappers / Froukje Sleeswijk Visser / Annemiek van Boeijen -
How to include the sociocultural context in food design
Insights, tools and strategies
A.G.C. van Boeijen / Hendrik N.J. Schifferstein -
Interactive storytelling design to reduce weight-related stigma
V.T. Visch / N. Vegt / A. van Boeijen
Eight lecturers honoured with the Open Education Ambassador Award
Verscheen in: TU Delft
WeMakeThe.City Reset #12: From now on… according to Annemiek van Boeijen
Verscheen in: Youtube online
Unmasking the Mask
Verscheen in: TUDelft Stories
2023 Open Education Ambassador Award
This is an award from the TUDelft Extention School. The award is for Annemiek's contribution to openness through the ProfEd Culture Sensitive Design Thinking, which she developed for both online and campus education with the intention of fostering cross-learning between practitioners and student. Additionally, Annemiek has encouraged participation from other educators so that lecturers in design schools around the world can in turn teach their own students, contributing to raising awareness of how cultural and social contexts influence design choices aimed at solving societal (global) challenges. Her involvement in the Delft Design Approach and the Delft Design Guide, which are published in OpenCourseWare, further demonstrate her commitment to open education.
Onderwijs 2024
Onderwijs 2023
Involved in Research Project(s)
2024-05-20 - 2025-05-20