Welcome to this page, where you can read about X TU Delft as a possible place to work.

X is part of TU Delft and falls under the university service Education & Student Affairs (ESA). What makes X unique is that we are the only service within TU Delft that is not focused on education or research. Instead, we provide a space where our primary target group - young people studying at TU Delft - can take a break from their studies and develop themselves in other ways. And this is much needed, as students face a high academic workload. That’s why we position ourselves with a distinct mission, vision, and even our own branding.

X is organised into three pillars: Products, Systems, and Communication. Together, we make the X offer possible, which is used by more than 19,000 students and employees each year. Over 400 colleagues (around 65 FTE) contribute in their own areas of expertise. Among them, we have more than 150 teachers who share their passion and knowledge through a wide range of ticket hours, courses, association activities, and events. In addition, around 70 staff members form the backbone of the organisation. From a lively open-plan office with a view of the forecourt, entrance hall, and sports hall X3, they work together on policy development, frameworks, programming, scheduling, HR matters, IT applications, facility management, communication campaigns and materials, and much more. Furthermore, across our pillars, more than 100 student employees take on various challenging roles. They play a key role in engaging with our visitors.

In short, we are an informal, international, diverse, friendly, and dynamic working environment. Sounds great, doesn’t it?!

View our organisational chart for the full organisational structure:


Below is a list of our open positions.

Is your ideal job not listed below, but you would like to work at X? We are always open to receiving spontaneous applications. Let us know why, how and how long you would like to join X by sending your motivation letter and CV to hr-x@tudelft.nl.