Co-create your event together with X
Do you have an idea for an event that you would like X to collaborate with? X has created an environment that fosters this creativity. With a range of facilities, spaces, and the expertise of inspiring event programmers, X is a platform where these ideas can come to life.What is co-creation?
An ideal mix of a thinkership with experienced programme-makers, working together in event organisation, a wide choice of spaces at X with various options in facilities usage (from technical event production, catering to promotion).How do we work
X has three programme clusters that develop a broad offer in sports and games, arts and crafts and reflection and lifestyle.We organise a maximum of 10 events per month. A budget is available for these events, which of course has a limit.
Co-creation in practice
Keep in mind that:
- Organising an event takes focus and time.
- The events are public and available to any student.
- 12 weeks before the event takes place, you share your idea.
- 8 weeks before the event takes place, the concept is final.
- 4 weeks before the event takes place, the event organisation is final.