Graduation opportunities

The projects / assignments in this list have not been screened or approved by the faculty yet. The descriptions are as submitted by clients. Students should actively examine whether it will be possible to develop a project into a suitable Graduation Assignment.

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Graduation opportunities

2025-03-11 | Supporting transplant patients, ErasmusMC

In this project, you will be challenged to optimize the process of Dry-Blood-Spotting for patients after organ transplant. This innovative method can improve patient experience, reduce hospital visits and cut hospital costs compared to the currently-accepted method of blood sampling in the hospital. You will explore the lifecycle of this process and create solutions to increase and improve the output capacity of this process. Starting date asap!

2025-03-11 | Smart Running Shoes, TU Delft & The Cool Sports Company

When running in warm to hot conditions, foot temperature can rise significantly, potentially impacting performance. This increase is influenced by the heat generated within the athlete’s body and the body's ability to dissipate it through radiation and sweat evaporation. For long-distance runs, such as marathons, it is crucial to keep this temperature rise within safe limits. A newly established UK-based startup, The Cool Sports Company, in collaboration with TU Delft, aims to integrate an innovative cooling technology into running shoes to help regulate foot temperature and enhance performance.

2025-03-11 | Customer service specialist designing internal support at TU Delft, TU Delft

While lecturers are employees of TU Delft, Teaching-Support operates as a free service in a market of customers (the lecturer) whose time and attention are limited. The customer is free to find services outside of TU Delft, has competing services inside TU Delft (which are still being aligned to cooperative relationships) and is confronted opportunities the look for support in nontraditional ways, such as inventing a disconnected solution themselves. Recent investigations have shown that only 25% of lecturers know of Teaching-Support. With all these distractions it is a challenge for lectures to get the right type of support they need at the right time.

2025-03-11 | Cooling Garments for First Responders, TU Delft

First responders like the police, ambulance and fire brigade have to wear heavy and protective clothing for longer periods of time, often in hot environments. Cooling is currently done with passive cooling vests which are first pre-cooled in the freezer and last only 20 to 30 minutes. Active cooling vests pump cold water to a series of flexible tubes. In this project, we will explore a new way of cooling using foam elements which are expected to have both a better cooling efficiency and a higher wearing comfort. The project will be in collaboration with a company that has experience with manufacturing first responder protective garments.

2025-02-24 | Optimizing camouflage design of military platforms, TNO & TU Delft

The widespread surveillance by satellites, (low-end and high-end) drones and other aerial and ground based platforms and sensors has diminished the options for remaining undetected drastically. Camouflage can help to hinder the detection and identification leading to longer detection ranges and longer search times. Traditionally, a NATO camouflage scheme has been used (SCAPP) that is the same for each vehicle of the same type (see image), consisting of three standardized colours (black, brown, green).

2025-02-19 | Het zorginfarct: schaarste van nieuwe zorgverleners, TU Delft & Reinier De Graaf

De uitdaging waar je mee aan de slag gaat, is het ontwerpen van een methode waarmee wij (potentieel) nieuwe zorgverleners kunnen aanspreken. Op dit moment doen wij dit op klassieke wijze: we stellen een vacaturetekst op en deze wordt geplaatst op onze website: en breed gedeeld via de socials (LinkedIn, Instagram, etc.). De vacatures staan vervolgens enkele weken open, waarna er gespreksrondes plaatsvinden. Steeds vaker lukt het niet om vacatures, gericht op zorgverleners, in te vullen.

2025-02-19 | Digital Twin Systems in Mental Health, TU Delft & GGZ Noord-Holland

The project aims to design an interactive system that leverages digital phenotyping to create meaningful digital twins for mental healthcare, while ensuring responsible and ethical implementation.

2025-02-11 | Designing for safe & circular office lighting, NPK design

You will investigate the intricacies of the substance safety issues throughout the lifecycles of several office lighting systems and the dilemmas in addressing these. Crucially, the findings must be addressed through a redesign of (parts of) the circular solution, to improve safety and sustainability of the office lighting. You would contribute to the development of design tools created by the researchers by applying preliminary versions of the tools to perform the analysis. We’re looking for an IPD master student who is excited to contribute to a safe and circular society. You are excited to work on embodiment design and have experience with SolidWorks. Both the analysis of the current situation and the solutions are equally important. You will be supervised by the researchers involved and npk design will be the client, providing expert knowledge, network access, and guidance during research and design.

2025-02-11 | Designing for safe & circular office furniture, NPK design

You will investigate the intricacies of the substance safety issues throughout the lifecycles of several office chairs. Crucially, the findings must be addressed through a redesign of (parts of) the circular solution, to improve safety and sustainability of the office chair. Additionally, you will contribute to the development of design tools created by the researchers by applying preliminary versions of the tools to perform the analysis. We’re looking for an IPD master student who is excited to contribute to a safe and circular society. You are excited to work on embodiment design and have experience with SolidWorks. Both the analysis of the current situation and the solutions are equally important. You will be supervised by the researchers involved and npk design will be the client, providing expert knowledge, network access, and guidance during research and design. Starting date in consultation with the researchers.

2025-02-11 | 3D printed biocompatible shape morphing device for innovative cancer treatment, TU Delft & UMC

You will design a prototype using smart materials capable of shape morphing and shape retention. The key objectives are: developing a biocompatible smart material system, ensuring the prototype that can be customized for patient-specific or post-surgical cavity applications, demonstrating shape morphing capabilities and shape memory properties.

Graduation Support