Academic counsellors IDE
Industrial Design Engineering
At TU Delft every faculty has academic counsellors. The academic counsellors of the faculty of Industrial Design Engineering can provide you with general information about your study programme and about studying at TU Delft. The academic counsellor can also provide you with personal guidance and advice regarding the specific situation you are in. See below for an overview of subjects you can discuss with the academic counsellors.
Please always report personal special circumstances immediately.
You can reach us via our appointment system. You can choose to have the meeting online or in the faculty.
Faculty of Industrial Design Engineering
This drop-in clinic is intended as a way to quickly provide information in response to short questions. In many cases the academic counsellor will need to refer you to another part of the organisation or another person where you will be able to get the specific help you need. For example you might be referred to the Contact Centre, to another faculty, to another person or to a website.
The drop-in clinic is expressly not intended for:
- Discussing individual special circumstances
- Individual questions regarding study planning
- Requests for a study place in the faculty due to special personal circumstances
- MOMI, RPF related issues
If you need to discuss any of these specific topics you are welcome to make an appointment via our online appointment system
The drop-in clinic is Every Monday, Wednesday and Friday at 12:45-1:45 pm in room C4-150 or C4-160.
You will be granted approximately 5 minutes. If needed you can of course make a follow-up appointment.
Make an appointment
Faculty of Industrial Design Engineering
- Via our agenda tool you can make an appointment with one of our academic counsellors. During an appointment, a counsellor can take roughly 30 minutes to speak with you. Of course, you can have one or more follow-up meetings after that.
Send an email
Faculty of Industrial Design Engineering
- You can always send an email. We try to answer your question within one week. Please use to contact us.
P.S. For a short question, please visit the drop-in clinic

What is our role?
We advise students on the following topics:
- Study delay
- Study doubts, changing their study programme
- Personal circumstances (illness, accident, handicap, psychological problems, problems at home)
- Study planning
- Honours programme, extra courses
- Requests to the examination board
- Contacts with teachers and the student’s graduation team (chair and mentor)
We provide individual counselling for problems related to:
- Study motivation
- Handicap, chronical illness
- Stress, study discipline, fear of failure
- Choice of study
- Graduation
- Unacceptable behaviour/Social insecurity
- Adapting to the Dutch language and life
We can refer to:
- Central student counsellors for legal and financial matters and studying with a handicap
- Student psychologists for study-related psychological problems, and training in social capabilities, assertiveness and constructive thinking
- Student doctors for RSI treatment, vaccinations and medical statements
- Career counsellors
- Student counsellors elsewhere, general practitioner, external specialists such as MoTiv for Life Coaching, Handling Loss and Well-being
We need to be consulted on:
- Requests for financial compensation for study delay as a result of personal circumstances
- Study Progress Reports for the Modern Migration Policy Act
- Combination of sports on a top level in combination with studying
A lot of information can also be found online. Either on the IDE student portal or the TU Delft student portal.
A number of common topics are:
Drop-in clinic:
Every Monday, Wednesday, and Friday at 12:45 - 13:45 pm in room C4-150 or C4-160.Academic counsellors IDE
- van Lawick, J.A. (Jeroen)
Room C4-160: Monday (on campus), Wednesday and Thursday (on-campus)
- van Drunen, A. (Annemiek)
Room C4-160: Tuesday, Thursday and Friday
- Melchior, S. (Stefan)
Kamer C4-150: Monday until Friday (Tuesday, Wednesday and Friday on campus)