Programme Committee (OKIO)
OKIO is a (Dutch) abbreviation for 'Programme Committee IO'. The OKIO is an advice council consisting of five teachers and five students.
What does the OKIO do?
- Advise on all education topics within the programme
- Advise on the Teaching and Examination Regulations for the bachelor (OER) and master (TER) programmes.
- Yearly evaluation of the execution of the OER/TER.
Click here for the Annual Report 2022-2023.
The OKIO members meet once every two weeks. They are responsible for giving solicited and unsolicited advice to the IDE programme management on the quality of education. These opinions are often formed from policy documents. However, personal contact is also an important component on the basis of which advice can be formed. If you are involved in the education process, you can always visit one of the members and provide information.