This project is a collaborative project that aims to demonstrate how service design is carried out in practice and how customers in organisations benefit from it. It took place in the period of 2010-2013 in The Netherlands.
Goals of the project
The general goal of this project was to study current practice of service design and to improve its practice by (1) studying the changing role of designers (are they still designing the end solution or more and more designing the process and act as facilitators?); (2) if service design projects generally involve more stakeholders, how can their collaboration be supported during the various phases of the design process? (3) How can the value be described or even measured of service design activities? (often companies hesitate to involve a service design agency because they don’t get a clear idea about the return on investment).

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Froukje Sleeswijk Visser
- +31 15 27 83537
Room B-2-140 StudioMingle
"Bringing the everyday life of people into design."
- Ir.dr. Froukje Sleeswijk Visser
- Ir. Menno Manschot
- Prof. Pieter Jan Stappers
- Ir. Christine de Lille
- Hogeschool Utrecht
- DesignThinkers
- 31Volts
- Scope
- bureauH2O
- EdenSpiekerman
- Movares
- ProRail
- NS
- Spoorbouwmeester
- UMC Utrecht
- Utrechtse musea
- It is financed by a grant from the ‘Pieken in de Delta’ programme of the Ministry of Economic Affairs, and in part by themunicipality of Utrecht and Utrecht province.