Connected Everyday Lab Chiocciola A concept that explores how material traces can be used for rich communication with and through connected objects. Crowd Experiences How can novel technologies play a role in improving crowd experiences? Design with/for Traces How can we change the relationship that we have with connected objects and people? Designing for Children's Physical Play Stimulating children to engage in play during hospitalization. Designing Happy Flows How can new security technology be applied to optimize passenger flows? Designing the New Normal Designing interventions that allow families to find a new balance in their everyday lives. Future Interactions Game A board game to explore the social value of new technologies. Gamification of team behavior How can gamification contribute to a better team performance? Geist Everyday objects that help expat families develop and maintain a sense of connectedness and belonging. Hipsters in the Mauritshuis An app to motivate young adult travelers to explore the details of paintings. IoT Manifesto 10 principles of responsible and ethical design for the Internet of Things. Jace A smart piece of clothing that helps women during a hot flash. Mingling with Robots How can robots engender different characters in their behaviour and appearance? Mizu A connected sink that utilizes traces of use as a design approach. MOKKOP Helping parents of hospitalized children to take better care of themselves. PACT Exploring new partnerships between people and things in the smart city Predictive Materialities The idea of artefacts as co-performers of practice through a series of speculative design concepts. Resourceful Aging Empowering people to age resourcefully. Self Assembly Furniture What if furniture knows how it should be assembled and helps people to assemble it? Thing Tank An internationally funded research platform for investigating how things can reinvent themselves. Virtual visit to the Louvre An application that allows older adults to engage in a virtual tour from their homes. Wearable Technology for Increased Body Awareness Using wearable technology in care practices. Share this page: Facebook Linkedin Twitter Email WhatsApp Share this page