
233 results

05 March 2025

Professor David Abbink appointed member of KHMW

Professor David Abbink appointed member of KHMW

David Abbink, Professor in Haptic Human-Robot Interaction at the Faculties of Mechanical Engineering (ME) and Industrial Design Engineering (IDE) at TU Delft, has been appointed as a scientific member of the Koninklijke Hollandsche Maatschappij der Wetenschappen.

05 March 2025

IDE students examine the role of water in India

IDE students examine the role of water in India

Students and staff from IDE, Politecnico di Milano, and The Design Village (TDV) gathered in Delhi for the third annual ‘Joint Studio’ week from 2-8 February 2025. This year’s theme, ‘Flowing Futures’, examined the role of water through political, spiritual, economic, and environmental lenses.

05 March 2025

IDE in the media (Week 10 2025)

IDE in the media (Week 10 2025)

Curious about which of our researchers, educators, students, and alumni have been featured in the media recently? Then be sure to check out this week's "In the Media" article.

19 February 2025

Interactive Environment Minor turns human-robot interactions into workshops

Interactive Environment Minor turns human-robot interactions into workshops

What would Schiphol Airport look like if, by 2034, its shopping mall had been turned into a centre for interactive work spaces? And robot-human relationships became a part of everyday life? Perhaps the Dutch airport might transform into a hub where human-robot communities work, coexist, interact, and grow together. This year’s Interactive Environment Minor students designed five different workshops that fit this futuristic vision.

19 February 2025

IDE in the media (Week 8 2025)

IDE in the media (Week 8 2025)

Curious about which of our researchers, educators, students, and alumni have been featured in the media recently? Then be sure to check out this week's "In the Media" article.

12 February 2025

Researcher and student collaborate to build pumptrack

Researcher and student collaborate to build pumptrack

Thursday afternoon, 23 January. The day is cool, the sun veiled, and the breeze fresh. There is more activity than usual in the square in front of TU Delft's Faculty of Industrial Design Engineering. Two undulating structures are lined up next to one another. They are being fastened together by two men – researcher Jelle Joustra and IPD MSc student Jesse Pupping. They are assembling a pumptrack, part of which is comprised of discarded wind turbine blades. ‘Today we are testing whether the structure holds up,’ Jesse says.

06 February 2025

KidsCAN seeks final participants – Can you help?

KidsCAN seeks final participants – Can you help?

We’re in the final stretch of the KidsCAN study, and we need your help to reach our last participants! Do you have a child aged 1 to 6 or a teenager of 15? Or do you know someone who does? By taking part, you’ll contribute to research that improves the safety and comfort of products and environments designed for children and teens—including car seats, school furniture, sports gear, and medical equipment.

05 February 2025

IDE delegation in South Korea strengthens partnerships in future mobility

IDE delegation in South Korea strengthens partnerships in future mobility

An IDE delegation of researchers and funding experts visited South Korea in January to strengthen ties with top universities, industry leaders, and funding bodies; while also exploring new opportunities for collaboration. “I hope this visit marks not the end of a trip but the beginning of more collaborations between the two countries,” concludes Euiyoung Kim, coordinator of the visit.

05 February 2025

AI on (Mock) Trial at IDE

AI on (Mock) Trial at IDE

On 20 January, the IDE Arena was transformed into a ‘courtroom’ as MSc students conducted two mock trials to debate pressing issues regarding design’s role in advancing social justice through AI technology. “This is perhaps the first time the mock trial method, a longstanding tradition in law schools, has been adapted to industrial design education at our university,” said assistant professor Fernando Secomandi.

05 February 2025

IO in de media (Week 6 2025)

IO in de media (Week 6 2025)

Benieuwd welke van onze onderzoekers, docenten, studenten en alumni onlangs in de media aan bod zijn gekomen? Bekijk dan zeker het artikel "In de media" van deze week.

04 February 2025

User-centred design for ambulance assistance tool

User-centred design for ambulance assistance tool

Pressure on ambulance staff and healthcare providers is increasing as ambulances have to be dispatched more often, and sometimes unnecessarily. To help them determine when treatment is urgent, some hospitals in the Hollands-Midden region have started working on a prehospital consultation triage tool. For her SPD graduation project, designer Joska Stoorvogel compiled how this tool could be designed in a service blueprint, based on end-user requirements.

31 January 2025

A how-to guide for designing better digital health solutions

A how-to guide for designing better digital health solutions

When it comes to managing health, more and more people are turning to digital health solutions. But despite technological advances, there are still certain challenges with using these tools. IDE PhD candidate Tingting Wang, together with her research team, has created a user-friendly, step-by-step guide that helps designers increase the quality of care in digital health by understanding, evaluating, and improving the digital patient experience.

23 January 2025

IDE in the media (Week 4 2025)

IDE in the media (Week 4 2025)

Curious about which of our researchers, educators, students, and alumni have been featured in the media recently? Then be sure to check out this week's "In the Media" article.

23 January 2025

IO-publicatie hoogtepunten (Week 4 2025)

IO-publicatie hoogtepunten (Week 4 2025)

Click here to view recent publication highlights from our staff and students.

16 January 2025

Four scenarios for the Dutch Mobility System in 2050

Four scenarios for the Dutch Mobility System in 2050

In honor of her 183rd anniversary, TU Delft today presents four radical yet realistic scenarios for the future of the Dutch mobility system in 2050. Developed by a multidisciplinary team of researchers called “The Mobilisers,” these scenarios serve as a strategic framework to help stakeholders in government, industry, and academia navigate the complex challenges surrounding mobility. The four scenarios and the accompanying report are now available online.

15 January 2025

New vaginal speculum design might motivate women to go for health checkups

New vaginal speculum design might motivate women to go for health checkups

Around 35% of women experience shame, fear or pain linked to vaginal examinations. One of the causes is how the vaginal speculum tool is designed. That is why TU Delft graduate Ariadna Izcara Gual and researcher Tamara Hoveling designed a new speculum, called ‘Lilium’, with benefits for patients and health professionals and the environment. “I hope this design motivates woman to get their health checkup,” Ariadna says. The project is now seeking partners to take the innovation further.

09 January 2025

IDE in the media (Week 2 2025)

IDE in the media (Week 2 2025)

Curious about which of our researchers, educators, students, and alumni have been featured in the media recently? Then be sure to check out this week's "In the Media" article.

08 January 2025

A human-centred design approach to self-driving vehicles

A human-centred design approach to self-driving vehicles

Self-driving vehicles are a hot topic amongst mobility experts. Some foresee a golden future. One with more possibilities for social interactions, safer roads, and fewer parking spaces allowing for more greenery. Others are more cautious, researching measures to ensure traffic safety. “Tech development is accelerating,” explains Nicole van Nes, professor at TU Delft. “It is important to align it with our societal goals and to make sure that safety is embedded. We need a user centred approach to achieve this.”

18 December 2024

Celebrating 4 successful years of the Pride & Prejudice programme

Celebrating 4 successful years of the Pride & Prejudice programme

The programme set out to have a positive impact on our lifestyle by changing our habits in physical activity and diet. It aimed to generate new scientific knowledge and innovative technology. IDE collaborators were Rick Schifferstein, Jos Kraal, and Marine Bos-de Vos.

18 December 2024

IDE in the media (Week 51 2024)

IDE in the media (Week 51 2024)

Curious about which of our researchers, educators, students, and alumni have been featured in the media recently? Then be sure to check out this week's "In the Media" article.

17 December 2024

Experimenting with multipurpose textiles

Experimenting with multipurpose textiles

Look around you. What’s on your back? What are you sitting on? What’s hanging in the windows? You guessed it – textiles. They are all around us. But the textile industry has a significant impact on our environment. “What if we start using our textiles in a more interactive way. Would we use them longer?” wonders design researcher Alice Buso.

09 December 2024

AI Supports Proactive Human-Centred Care

AI Supports Proactive Human-Centred Care

Maaike Kleinsmann (Professor of Design for Digital Transformation) and Geert-Jan Houben (Pro Vice Rector Magnificus AI, Data and Digitalisation) discuss how AI can contribute to digital transformation in healthcare.

04 December 2024

IDE in the media (Week 49 2024)

IDE in the media (Week 49 2024)

Curious about which of our researchers, educators, students, and alumni have been featured in the media recently? Then be sure to check out this week's "In the Media" article.

04 December 2024

IDE Publication Highlights (Week 49 2024)

IDE Publication Highlights (Week 49 2024)

Click here to view recent publication highlights from our staff and students.

04 December 2024

The Red Baron visits IDE: Exploring the role of designers in OEMs

The Red Baron visits IDE: Exploring the role of designers in OEMs

On 20 November, a bright red DAF XG truck was parked in front of our faculty – you couldn’t have missed it! The reason? The truck was there to provide extra inspiration for the students attending the “Understanding Organizations – the OEM” lecture that afternoon. Chief designer at DAF Trucks and IDE alumnus Bart van Lotringen was a guest speaker at the event, which was organised by Erik Tempelman and Bart Bluemink.

28 November 2024

The Patient at the Center: A New Chair for Innovative Hand and Wrist Care

The Patient at the Center: A New Chair for Innovative Hand and Wrist Care

Hand and wrist complaints, often caused by conditions such as osteoarthritis, rheumatoid arthritis, or RSI, affect one in three people in the Netherlands. These issues significantly impact the quality of life for patients, often leading to reduced work capacity and a complicated care pathway. To address these challenges, TU Delft, the Reinier de Graaf Hospital, and the Reinier Haga Orthopedic Center (RHOC) have established a new chair titled: “From Helping Hand to Working Hand – Patient-Specific, Patient-Centered Transition in Orthopedics.” Led by orthopedic surgeon and professor Gerald Kraan, the chair aims to improve the care pathway and develop innovations to enhance hand and wrist care.

28 November 2024

NWO grant awarded for wearable that monitors patients with bipolar disorder

NWO grant awarded for wearable that monitors patients with bipolar disorder

IDE Professor Kaspar Jansen and his team have received an NWO grant for a project designing a wearable device that can be worn daily and continuously analyses the composition of sweat. With it, they can help patients with bipolar disorder who take lithium as medication. The device is also able to monitor other metabolites like glucose or to detect dehydration.

27 November 2024

From “one size fits all” to design for social inclusion

From “one size fits all” to design for social inclusion

TU Delft-led research project aims to break down barriers for the 1 in 4 Dutch affected by disabilities. Led by TU Delft, the project involves researchers from six academic institutions and stakeholders from a rich range of public and private organisations with a special interest in accessibility. Researchers will develop new technologies, such as artificial intelligence, virtual reality and augmented reality, which makes digital services more accessible to people with disabilities.

26 November 2024

Open Technology Programme funds three Delft research projects

Open Technology Programme funds three Delft research projects

The board of NWO Domain Applied and Engineering Sciences awards funding to six research projects through the Open Technology Programme. Three of the these six proposals have been awarded to Delft researchers. In total, NWO is funding the projects with 4.5 million euros, companies involved and other organisations are investing 760 thousand euros.

25 November 2024

Working Visit of the Dutch House of Representatives' VWS Committee to TU Delft

Working Visit of the Dutch House of Representatives' VWS Committee to TU Delft

On Monday, November 25, the House of Representatives' Health, Welfare, and Sport (VWS) Committee visited TU Delft to discuss the challenges and opportunities in healthcare. The key message: healthcare is under immense pressure and demands action, but the success of innovations does not lie in quick technological fixes. A systemic approach is essential.

21 November 2024

Rethink Design – A vocabulary for designing with AI

Rethink Design – A vocabulary for designing with AI

DCODE NETWORK is in 2020 van start gegaan met 15 promovendi uit verschillende landen die onderzoek doen in verschillende delen van Europa, waaronder IO van de TU Delft. Het project is nu afgesloten met slotevenementen en een nieuw boek over ontwerpen met AI, samengesteld door Roy Bendor van IO en voormalig IO-hoogleraar Elisa Giaccardi.

20 November 2024

IDE in the media (Week 47 2024)

IDE in the media (Week 47 2024)

Curious about which of our researchers, educators, students, and alumni have been featured in the media recently? Then be sure to check out this week's "In the Media" article.

20 November 2024

Doctorate and Innovation Prize for Jasper Faber

Doctorate and Innovation Prize for Jasper Faber

IDE’s Jasper Faber has been enjoying a healthy dose of success. After successfully defending his PhD on the topic of Design for E-Health Equity on 6 November, the following day he went on win the Annual Innovation Prize for Rehabilitation.

20 November 2024

Delft Education Fellowship 2025: Steven Flipse

Delft Education Fellowship 2025: Steven Flipse

The Delft Education Fellowship recognises and appreciates the efforts of lecturers for educational innovation and boosts the impact on educational reform and development. We are proud to announce that IDE assistant professor Steven Flipse was one of seven new Education Fellows chosen this year.

19 November 2024

Card game addresses sexism within police

Card game addresses sexism within police

IDE alumnus Noortje Kwakernaak visited two police stations to investigate the role of female officers there. During her visits, she was struck by the use of humour – much of it crude or sexist. To address the topic, and perhaps change behaviour, she developed a quartet card game that makes players reflect on these types of jokes.