ID study association
ID is the study association for students at the Faculty of Industrial Design Engineering. ID protects the interests of Industrial Design engineering students by offering them a range of services and activities. IDE students can consult ID Education with all their questions and comments about the education at Industrial Design Engineering, and every Wednesday, students and staff can enjoy a drink at ID Kafee. Of course, that's not all!
ID organises a broad range of activities including study-related activities and events to get to know your fellow students. Some of these activities are even registered as courses, so you can earn ECTS with them. Students can gain a lot of practical experience by organizing their own events at ID. Not only will you learn a lot by getting an event off the ground, you will also have a lot of fun!
Membership costs only euro 9,50 a year, which is money very well spent. Members receive a discount on interesting subscriptions and ID events; they receive the free yearbook once a year and the Turn The Page magazine four times a year.
- Visit the ID website for more information
Master communities
ID has three master communities since 2015, one for each Master study. They organize specific activities for that master study.

Study association
- +31 (0)15 278 3012
Room: 32A-0-780
Landbergstraat 15
2628 CE Delft