People David Abbink Christiaan Pieter (Kars) Alfrink Kars Alfrink is a postdoc at IDE. | Expertise: contestable AI, digital infrastructure politics, interaction design Conny Bakker Professor of Design Methodology for Sustainability and Circular Economy. Expertise: Design for sustainability, Design for circular economy, Design methodology Ruud Balkenende Professor of Circular Product Design | Expertise: Circular product design, Design methods, Repair, Recycling, Materials, Electronic Products, Environmental assessment Riel Bessai PhD Candidate | Expertise: Regenerative design, Carbon-negative materials, Bio-based materials, Post-growth Julieta Bolaños Arriola PhD Candidate | Expertise: Circular product design, Design for repair, Safe and circular by Design, Circular design methods Puck Bos PhD Candidate | Expertise: Bio-based Plastics, Circular Product Design J. (Jacky) Bourgeois Assistant Professor (UD) Internet of Things. Expertise: Personal Internet of Things Data, Participatory analysis and design, Supportive and user-centered systems, Sustainability and renewable energy Dr. Boyle, J. H. Jordan Boyle is an Assistant Professor in Industrial Design Engineering at TU Delft. | Expertise: Human-Robot Interaction, Mobile Robots, Swarm Intelligence, Multi-Robot systems, Biomimetics and Bio-Inspiration Robotic Fabrication, Designing experimental apparatus Bozali, B. PhD candidate Alessandro Bozzon Chair of SDE and Professor of Human-Centered Artificial Intelligence. Expertise: Human-Centered Artificial Intelligence, Crowd Computing, User Modelling, Information Retrieval, Database Technology, Web Data Management, Data Science Ernest van Breemen Lecturer Expertise: Digital testing and assessment, Design didactics and methodology James Broadhead Lecturer Bulygin, D.I. PhD candidate Alice Buso Alice Buso is a PhD candidate in animated textiles at TU Delft. | Expertise: Material Driven Design, Textiles, Textile Experience, Weaving, Interfaces Israel Carrete PhD Candidate | Expertise: Structural Reuse, Composites, Circular Product Design, Circular Applications Through Selection Strategies (CATSS) MSc. Dam, J.J.F. van Supporting staff member and lecturer, Design Engineering. Sonja van Dam Assistant Professor of Circular Product Design | Expertise: Co-creation, Design for Behavior Change, Circular Product Service Systems, Household Energy Consumption Sagar Dangal PhD candidate of Design Engineering and Circular Product Design. | Expertise: Circular Product Design, Design for Repair, Aviation, Seat Design, Comfort Ir. Das, M.N.S. PhD candidate MSc. Degachi, C. PhD Candidate Ir. Dekker, R.A. Researcher Jan-Carel Diehl Full Professor (HGL) of Design for Sustainability | Expertise: Design for Recycling, Design Methods, Circular Product Design, Systemic Design, Design for Transitions, Sustainable Healthcare, Sustainable Hospitals, Global South Msc. Dijkema, E. Lecturer Dingler, T. Associate Professor (UHD) Dorien van Dolderen PhD Researcher | Expertise: Design for Recycling, Design Methods, Circular Product Design Zjenja Doubrovski Assistant Professor of Design Engineering. | Expertise: Additive Manufacturing, 3D Printing, Design methods for Additive Manufacturing, Multi-material Additive Manufacturing, 3D printed customised products Ir. Doucet, E.T.M. Lecturer Willemijn Elkhuizen Assistant Professor of Sustainable Design Engineering | Expertise: Material Experience, Cultural Heritage, 3D scanning, 3D printing, Extended Reality, Human-Computer Interaction Jo van Engelen Professor of Integrated Sustainable Solutions | Expertise: Business and organisation development, Integrated sustainable solutions, Design for sustainability Jeremy Faludi Assistant Professor | Expertise: Sustainable design methods, LCA, sustainable additive manufacturing (green 3D printing), systems, biomimicry, material health, repair metrics Bas Flipsen Associate Professor | Expertise: Design for repair, Circular product assessment, Educational designer Emma Fromberg PhD Candidate | Expertise: Circular Product Design, Ecological Design Thinking, Sustainable Value Chains, Circular Metaphors, Systemic Design Uğur Genç Uğur Genç is a postdoctoral researcher in Knowledge and Intelligence Design (KInD) research group at TU Delft. Sepideh Ghodrat Assistant professor of Design Engineering. | Expertise: Smart material systems, actuators, 4D printing, Materials and structural properties Alejandra Gomez Ortega Alejandra Gomez is a PhD candidate at the Faculty of Industrial Design Engineering. Groutars, E.G. PhD Candidate Mahshid Hasankhani PhD Candidate | Expertise: Designing integrated sustainable energy solutions; Analyzing uncertainties; Bridging strategic decision-making between business, technology, and engineering He, T. PhD candidate Tamara Hoveling Tamara Hoveling is a PhD Candidate at TU Delft | Expertise: Medical device design, sustainable healthcare, clinical innovation, circular economy Arjen Jansen Associate Professor of Design Engineering. Expertise: Sports, Sports Innovation, Human powered energy systems Kaspar Jansen Professor of Emerging Materials. Expertise: Wearables, Smart materials, Emerging materials, Interactive materials, Integration of emerging materials in design Ir. Jin, Y. Researcher Peter Joore Professor and Visiting Researcher | Expertise: Relationship between new incremental innovations and long-term societal transition processes Jelle Joustra Assistant Professor | Expertise: Structural Reuse, Composites, Circular Product Design, Wind Energy, Aerospace Elvin Karana Professor of Materials Innovation and Design. Expertise: Materials Design, Emerging Materials, Material driven design, bio-based materials, Materials experience. Ir. Kernan Freire, S. PhD candidate. Expertise: Smart Manufacturing, AI & Design, Digital Intelligent Assistants. Kim, J. PhD Candidate Jotte de Koning Assistant Professor of Design for Sustainability | Expertise: Transition Design, Systemic Design, Co-creation, Participatory Design, Design for Sustainability, Energy Transition, Protein Transition, Food Waste, Sustainable Hospitals Kooijman, A. Academic Support Staff Sustainable Design Engineering Gerd Kortuem Professor of Internet of Things. Expertise: Internet of Things, Intelligent Systems, Data-Centric Design, Smart Cities Peter Kraaijeveld Peter Kraaijeveld is a senior lecturer at IDE. | Expertise: industrial design, digital development Caroline Kroon Lecturer | Expertise: Circular Economy, Sustainable Production, Design Education, Design Process and Methods, Teamwork, Strategy Kruithof, A.R. PhD student. Expertise: Ergonomics and human factors, 3d modelling and interaction design. Jason LaRoche PhD Candidate | Expertise: Sustainable healthcare, Clinical trials, Sustainable care pathways, Circular business models Liu, Q. PhD candidate. Expertise: Smart Materials Interfaces, Shape Morphing Objects with Shape Memory Materials, Mechanics of Materials Testing, Human-computer Interaction. Jeff Love Assistant professor and research fellow in digital design history and cultural heritage Tekla Komlóssy PhD Candidate | Expertise: How co-creation can support the development of circular products and product-service systems Joana Martins Assistant Professor (UD) MSc. Meijer, W. PhD candidate MSc. Milias, V. PhD candidate Mishra, V. Postdoc MSc. Morales Ornelas, H.C. PhD candidate. Expertise: eHealth, Internet of Things, Artificial Intelligence. MA. Ng, W. PhD candidate. Expertise: Mycelium, Bio Materials, Sensorial. Evangelos Niforatos Assistant Professor, Human-AI Interaction. Expertise: Human-Computer Interaction (HCI), Wearable Computing, Ubiquitous Computing, Cognitive Systems, Interaction Design. MSc. Onasanya, A. PhD candidate Alma van Oudheusden PhD Candidate in circular product design | Expertise: Product repair, 3D Printing & Scanning, Sustainability & Energy Mehmet Ozdemir Mehmet Ozdemir is a lecturer/researcher at IDE. | Expertise: Digital Fabrication, Computational Design, Mass Personalization Dr. Parisi, S. Assistant Professor Ingrid de Pauw Teacher of Practice | Expertise: Circular Product Design, Circular product assessment, Sustainable product design Stefan Persaud Lecturer. Expertise: Pedagogy and Didactics in Design Engineering education, Student motivation, Teacher coaching, Theory U for students and coaches, Inclusive Education, Reflective Practise for students and teachers Linda Plaude Researcher/Teaching staff, Design Engineering, Emerging Materials. Expertise: Wearables, Smart Textiles, Fashion Tech, Computerized knitting Achilleas Psyllidis Achilleas Psyllidis is an Assistant Professor of Location Intelligence and Spatial Analysis and Director of the Urban Analytics Lab at TU Delft. Expertise: Location Intelligence, Urban Analytics, Spatial Data Science, Geographic Information Retrieval, Spatial Analysis, Spatial Planning Clarice Risseeuw Clarice Risseeuw is a PhD candidate at TU Delft. Her research focuses on exploring the potential of Flavobacteria’s living colour for interaction design. Karlheinz Samenjo PhD Candidate and Co-Director of Inclusive Global Health Lab | Expertise: Product, service, and system design for resource-constrained settings in Sub-Saharan Africa and other regions globally Mascha Slingerland Academic Support Staff Sustainable Design Engineering Ir. Smulders, M. Lecturer and PhD candidate, Design Engineering. Expertises: Human Factors & Ergonomics, Sleeping in transit, Comfort, Seat design, Aviation Wolf Song Associate Professor of Human Digital Twin | Expertise: 3D printed electronics, 3D scanning, Human-Computer Interaction (HCI) Benjamin Sprecher Assistant Professor | Expertise: Circular product design, Environmental assessment, Life cycle assessment, Critical raw materials Mr. Tajdari, F. PhD candidate Roos Teeuwen PhD candidate, Design Engineering, Design for Sustainability Erik Tempelman Associate Professor Design Engineering. Expertise: Materials, manufacturing and more, Structures, Manufacturing methods, Lightweight design, Manufacturing and design, Smart materials, Design for recycling Erik Thomassen Erik Thomassen is a lecturer at IDE and ME. | Expertise: Mechanics, manufacturing, CAD, FEM, sustainable design Elisabeth Tschavgova PhD Candidate | Expertise: Systemic Design, Transition Design, Co-creation, Participatory Design, Design for Sustainability, Green Transitions Carlo Valk Support Staff Wilfred van der Vegte Assistant Professor Industrial Design Engineering. Expertise: Machine learning, Data analytics, Data mining, Function modelling, Simulation Verindi Vekemans Verindi Vekemans is a PhD Candidate at IDE. | Expertise: Biodesign, HCI and Materials Experience Himanshu Verma Assistant Professor of Human-AI Collaboration. Expertise: Human-Centered AI, Empathy-Centric Design Martin Verwaal Martin Verwaal is a technician in the Applied Labs at TU Delft. Peter Vink Professor of Environmental Ergonomics | Expertise: Effects on comfort, well-being, performance, productivity, health, physical, and organisational human-environment interaction Gerbera Vledder PhD candidate Dr. Wang, C. Postdoc Maaike Weber PhD Candidate | Expertise: Safe and circular by design, Circular design methods, Sustainable product design, Systemic design ir. Wilbers, F.P. Lecturer Dr. Wu, J. Associate Professor (UHD) Advanced Manufacturing. Expertise: Geometric and physical modelling, Computational fabrication, Design optimization, Surgical simulation, Computer haptics Msc. Yan, D. PhD candidate Yao, X. PhD candidate, Design Engineering, Mechatronic Design. Expertise: Design for Experience, Comfort, Human Factors, User-Centered Design MSc. Yuan, T. PhD candidate, Sustainable Design Engineering, Mechatronic Design MSc. Zhou, Y. PhD candidate. Expertise: human-robot interaction, social robot navigation, and computer vision. Jelle Zijlstra Lecturer | Expertise: Design Didactics, Sustainable Design Methods, Design Practice You are on page 1 Page 2 Share this page: Facebook Linkedin Twitter Email WhatsApp Share this page