A. (Alessandro) Bozzon A. (Alessandro) Bozzon


Alessandro's research lies at the intersection of human-computer interaction, human computation, user modelling, and machine learning. He is interested in developing methods and tools that support the design, development, control, and operation of AI-enabled systems that are well-situated around actual human characteristics, values, intentions, and behaviours. By investigating the relationship between the science and practice of design, and the digital technology that fuels intelligent products, services, and systems, Alessandro and his team study and build novel Human-Centred Artificial Intelligence methods and tools that combine the cognitive and reasoning abilities of (groups of) individuals, with the computational powers of machines, and insights from large amount of heterogeneous data. His scientific work, which consistently resulted in high-quality publications, has always been supported by substantial implementation and demonstration efforts, with emphasis on impact and continuous interaction with stakeholders from both industry and the wider society.

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  • 2024-4-11

    CTwalk Map: Best Demo Award

    CTwalk Map is an interactive web tool that unveils the potential of social encounters and access inequities in urban neighborhoods by leveraging open-access data. Drawing on information from various open sources, including population, location, and pedestrian network data, the tool estimates the number of individuals across different age groups who can reach city destinations within a 5 or 15-minute walk, highlighting opportunities for social cohesion and disparities in access.
    ICT.Open 2024

  • 2023-11-13

    Fellow Netherlands Academy of Engineering

    Elk jaar vanaf 2024 selecteert het NAE jaarlijks maximaal 10 nieuwe Fellows.
    In 2023 – het eerste jaar van zijn bestaan – zal NAE van start gaan met in totaal 55 nieuwe Fellows, aanvullend op de Fellows die het huidige oprichtingsbestuur vormen.

  • 2023-4

    Best paper award at CHI 2023

    The paper "Disentangling Fairness Perceptions in Algorithmic Decision-Making: the Effects of Explanations, Human Oversight, and Contestability" received the best paper award at the 2023 ACM CHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems
    2023 CHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems

  • 2017-9

    IBM 2017 Faculty Award

    Alessandro Bozzon has been selected for the 2017 IBM Faculty Award, in the section Cognitive Computing and IoT, for his work on Enterprise Crowdsourcing. The work has been performed in collaboration with the IBM Benelux Center for Advanced Studies. The IBM Faculty Award is a competitive worldwide program intended to foster collaboration between researchers at leading universities worldwide and those in IBM research.

  • 2017-7-7

    Douglas Engelbart Best Paper Award at HT 2017

    28th ACM Conference on Hypertext and Social Media, HT 2017

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