Improved Features
Improvements to the dynamic header
Optimize the look-and-feel of your new dynamic header
Earlier this year the new dynamic header was introduced. In this release we've made a few updates to it.
Now you can disable the progressbar, add a description per slide, adjust the size of the header on various screens and adjust the alignment of the additional text blocks.
Improvements to the magazine templates
Adding a new index element and improved navigation
In the previous release, we added a concept for ezines/digital magazines. Based on the feedback we received, a few improvements were added.
To start, you can now add a styled index to your magazine pages, showing the chapters and articles in your magazine. Also, you can now display the title of the next/previous page in your magazine navigation. Both improvements are implemented in this edition of the release notes.
Additionally, a few fixes were implemented regarding the position of the magazine navigation.
Image quality override
Where to find this toggle?

Localizing/translating the webidentifier field
Automatically copy the webid when creating a page translation
When creating a page translation, most fields are directly copied in order to prevent any unnecessary editing of page proporties. However, we were reminded that the field for webid was not translated automatically, so, we fixed that.