Improved Features

Synchronized fields when translating pages

Automatically show original values of your page when translating.

When translating a page, a lot of the original values are carried over. However, not all fields were copied, which let to confusion and annoyances. We've made sure the following (remaining) fields are now also automatically carried over and need only be adjusted when necessary:

  • start time & end time
  • event type
  • location
  • publish date (for news articles)
  • navigation title
  • color top navigation & 'siblings inherit' setting
  • tags
  • search page settings


For example

f.e. synchronisation of event date

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Additional data in carousel

Display additional data, such as keywords or categories on your carousel items

As can be seen on TU Delft's homepage; you can now display additional data as labels on your carousel. Just select which type of data you want to display as a label (categories, tags, description or more) and a white label will be added to your slide.

Keep in mind: this only works with the centered mode or multiple items mode.

Indexation of first names

First names are now searchable

When searching for someone with, one of the bigger issues is the lack of results when searching on someones first name. Finally we've been able to find a (reasonable) way to add these first names to the inde (provided that this has been enabled through

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Add additional context to your text

Tooltips? Didn't we already have those? Well, yes! But due to our major upgrade in 2021 (!), some things that should not have been forgotten were lost.

Recently one of our editors reminded us of this lost feature, so we re-implemented it. When editing text, you can add a custom tooltip with the click of a button!

How to add tooltips

The tooltip button
Adding the text
Display tooltip on the website

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