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Release Notes - 2023 - 2024 Q1

Improved Features

Receive forms based on form choices

Set receivers of webforms based on specific answers in the form

Normally, our webforms would be sent to a specified mailbox, for all entries. However, we got a request for a webform that would direct it's email to different receivers based on the answers/selections made in the webform.

Since this seemed like a useful addition to our library, we looked into implementing this. Based on a selection in a drop-down selection box, we can now direct the entries to specific mailboxes for a more streamlined handling of the forms.

Care to try it out? Feel free to contact us to set up a webform for you through

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Full width contact element

An additional layout for contact elements

You might be familiar with our contact elements and its (oddly specific) width.

We always felt it would be nice if this could also be displayed horizontally without overstretching and also be able to display full width vertically in smaller columns

Partially thanks to the new handling of container queries, we were able to fix a styling that suited both needs; maximize the width within a grid and switching to a more suitable horizontal layout whenever the container permits it to do so and switch to a more suitable vertical layout whenever the column is too small for horizontal.

The setting is our new default but can be disabled, so feel free to fiddle about with it.

Our 'old' contact element layout

The new 'full width' contact element

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All pagestypes in Yoast

Examine all page types in our Yoast SEO tool

In a previous release we introduced Yoast as somewhat of a beta release or to try out. After collecting some feedback, we feel Yoast can provide some helpful insights regarding SEO on a page, so we expanded the configuration by adding all our pagetypes to be analyzed. Hope this helps in creating the best pages possible!

OrcID in contactelements

Add your ORCID to your contact elements

Our contact elements contain a lot of possible media to add, but ORCID was still missing. So we've added this.

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Subtitle in dynamic overviews

Display subtitles in your overview

When setting up dynamics overviews with a card layout, you can add additional information to be displayed. The subtitle has been added to that multi-select field, so this too can now be displayed.

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