Associate Professors / Senior Lecturers
Assistant Professors
Technical Support
Researchers and PostDocs

A. (Alberto) Bertipaglia
Intelligent Vehicles

Dr. J. (Jiatao) Ding
Learning and Autonomous Control

A. (Ahmad) Gazar)
Learning and Autonomous Control

A. (Arend-Jan) van Hilten
Robot Dynamics
Education Robot Developer

A. (Alessandro) Ianniello
Human-Robot Interaction

B. (Bhargav) Nallapu
Human-Robot Interaction

J. (Jules) Ronné
Intelligent Vehicles

F. (Federico) Scarí
Human-Robot Interaction

F. (Farzam) Tajdari
Intelligent Vehicles

D. (Daniel) Feliu Talegón
Learning and Autonomous Control
PhD Students

Z. (Zhaochong) Cai
Human-Robot Interaction

R. (Roel) Horeman
Human-Robot Interaction

Y. (Yuxuan) Hu
Human-Robot Interaction

A. (Andreu) Matoses Gimenez
Learning and Autonomous Control

M. (Mariano) Ramírez Montero
Learning and Autonomous Control