Airport Development Minor


The minor Airport Development is jointly organised by several faculties of the TU Delft. The minor is aimed at engineering students from all bachelor programmes offered at TU Delft, who are interested in the design, planning, management and operational aspects of airports.

An airport operates in a competitive, dynamic, complex, and unpredictable environment. Development and growth of any large airport is to a large extent determined by its ability to balance business realities, long-term expansion requirements, and environmental and social demands. The minor Airport Development is oriented to those engineering students who would like to understand how airports are designed, planned and operated in such a complex and uncertain environment. The issues confronting airports, both at the operational and strategic level, are truly multi-disciplinary in nature. The minor Airport Development is able to cover the entire multidisciplinary field of airport development, planning and operation through clustering of knowledge from various branches of science and technology available within the TU Delft.

The minor focuses on the actual problems that can arise in airport design and operation, and on the practical effective ways to deal with them. Theory and methodology appear only to the extent that they are relevant and useful. Participating students need no specific experience or skills to successfully complete the minor.

The domain of airport design, planning and operation involves a wide range of disciplines. By harnessing all of TU Delft’s expertise in the domain of airport development and operation, the full range of aspects can be covered within the minor in a comprehensive and coherent manner, including airport landside accessibility issues (CEG), passenger and baggage flows in an airport terminal (IDE), airside issues (AE) and logistics (TPM). Students participating in the minor will be exposed to the full array of multi-disciplinary issues, and will be part of a multi-disciplinary team, working together to produce “total solutions” for the key airport issues. In this sense, the minor Airport Development provides an appealing opportunity to look beyond the boundaries of their own discipline.

For whom?

The minor Airport Development is designed for all TU Delft students, and students from Leiden and Rotterdam in the following programs: Econometrics and Operational Research (EUR), Informatics & Economy, Molecular Science & Technology, Physics, Astronomy, and Mathematics.

What will you learn?

After successful completion of the minor program “Airport Development”, a student must be able to:

  • Demonstrate understanding of the system concepts that address the technological, operational, logistic, economic, regulatory, safety, security and environmental problems associated with the development of airports.
  • Implement and integrate regulatory requirements and adopted international airport design standards
  • Understand and deconstruct the complex interrelationships and interactions among airport capacity, airport demand, policy changes, investments, and environmental issues and the effects that changes in any of these can have on airport profits and performance
  • Structure and formulate problems related to the design of airport airside and landside facilities and logistic processes
  • Deploy computer simulation software packages and information management systems used in industry in the planning and design of airports in order to generate and synthesize the information needed to support the decision making process
  • Creatively solve problems in airport design, planning and operation
  • Make informed tradeoffs among conflicting objectives and requirements of the various airport stakeholders and policy makers
  • Judge the right balance between economic, environmental and social interests in sustainable airport development.
  • Communicate, report and operate effectively as a member of a (multi-disciplinary) team

Course overview

The Minor (30EC) is composed of the following courses:

  • Air Transportation 
  • Airport Planning, Design and Operations 
  • Logistics 2 
  • Landside accessibility of Airports 
  • Strategic Planning for Airport Systems 

Please note that the courses for this minor are currently under review, the stated courses will remain part of this minor.

The minor code is LR-Mi-228-year

TPM students who follow this minor will do the course AE1110-I Introduction to Aerospace Engineering I instead of Logistics 2. TPM students need to register for the exam with course code AE1110-M.

Register for this minor

The registration for a minor takes place in two periods via OSIRIS. For more information about registration and application click below.
