Mentor Alumni Programme (MAP)

Become an alumnus mentor and help current students in mapping their future!

The AE Mentor Alumni Programme (MAP) connects Aerospace Engineering alumni as mentors to students. Alumni use their valuable experience to advise or coach students, and discuss their study paths, ambitions and future careers. For alumni, this is an opportunity to give something back to their former faculty, strengthen their coaching and advising skills and connect to the innovative thinking of ambitious and bright students outside of their current working environment. It might simultaneously be a way to find your possible future colleague and to create exposure for your current employer.

We are excited to see that MAP – founded in October 2016 – has already resulted in 1000+ established mentoring connections, made possible by more than 410 unique alumni, and the community keeps growing every year.

Registration procedure

From January 2022 onwards, MAP is hosted in the online environment TU Delft for Life ( This is the TU Delft alumni platform, in which a separate MAP module is designed, only visible to the current cycle’s MAP participants. Alumni can find and contact their fellow mentors, and students can make a mentoring request with alumni.

The Link below will redirect you to the MAP registering page in TU Delft for Life. If you do not yet have an account for TU Delft for Life, you are asked to create one first (The verification process can take up to 2 working days).  The mentor profile registration is similar to the old registration form. The advantage is that it now stays active over the cycles for as long as you would like to, and you can change your contact and mentoring details manually at any moment.

The deadline for completing the entire registration process is March 14th. The Kick-Off of the programme will take place on March 19th. From March 20th until March 28th, students can send mentoring requests to you. Whether you accept or decline the request is up to you. Please always inform the students of your decision and provide a motivation for making it. Students are not allowed to make a mentoring request for a mentor whose spots are already occupied. After making a connection, you can use the communication format of your preference. A visually explained registration manual can be found at the bottom of this page.

Programme facts

  • 5-month long programme that runs twice per year: March - July and October – February
  • Students and alumni make connections through the TU Delft for Life alumni portal
  • The organisation recommends a minimum of 2 contact hours per mentee per month
  • MAP mentoring meetings can have the format of the duo’s preference
  • Students are expected to initiate and sustain the mentoring contact
  • Mentors are required to have at least 1 year of working experience since graduation

MAP Objectives

During their registration in TU Delft for Life, students are expected to fill in their “MAP objectives”. These objectives must contain their personal development goals, what they expect from the programme, and how they think they can make the most out of the mentoring connection. These objectives can serve as a starting point for a conversation with your mentee. When students make a mentoring request in the portal, they should include their objectives so you can evaluate whether you can assist them during the mentoring period.

Interested, or do you have any questions or remarks? Pease send an email to:
Frandjescka Balootje – Alumni Relations Coordinator AE