
In the dynamic world of healthcare, one truth is crystal clear: technology is indispensable for the necessary healthcare transition. More than 30% of research at TU Delft is related to healthcare. This is over 600 researchers, divided over 45 research groups. We also train hundreds of students every year in this dynamic field.

With our knowledge, strong commitment, a network of national and international partners, a top clinical hospital and two leading academic hospitals next door, together we develop the technologies of the future. TU Delft offers a unique and broad spectrum of expertise, ranging from fundamental to design and applied research. At all levels, together with our partners, we consider innovations throughout the healthcare system, resulting in improved well-being for all. Whether it's the patient, the medical professional, the informal caregiver, the athlete, the elderly or the growing youth- both inside and outside the hospital. 

TU Delft and healthcare: your well-being, our innovation

Facts & Figures

research groups
Medical disciplines
graduates yearly
health related research

Making an impact

Scientists in the spotlight