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Not all academic education and research is financed by the government. This makes contributions from donors indispensable.
"Solving the societal challenges of today and tomorrow requires the innovative strength of TU Delft and our alumni and relations. Together with more than 110,000 engineers around the world, we can make a difference. With your support we can give more scientists and students the opportunity to realise their ambition. Together we can enable groundbreaking and impactful research, innovative education, valuable talent development and successful entrepreneurship. Will you join us?"
Tim van der Hagen
ector Magnificus / chair TU Delft Board
Would you like to contribute directly to Delft research, education, talent development and entrepreneurship? Please make your donation to Delft University Fund on NL48 ABNA 0441 4822 95 or with our online donation form. For more information about the projects you can support, please go to support us.
The choice is yours
You can make a contribution in several ways. Whatever you choose, your gift is in good hands: Delft University Fund Foundation has ANBI status. Donations to Delft University Fund can be tax deductible. If you have any questions about donating, please do not hesitate to contact us via 015-2786409 or
Did you know?
Delft University Fund is a foundation with ANBI (organisation serving the public interest) status. This means that your donation may be tax-deductible.