
Delft University of Technology is a public legal entity in accordance with the Higher Education and Research Act (WHW). The main tasks include providing scientific education, conducting scientific research, transferring knowledge to society and promoting social responsibility. The university has been designated as a ‘public benefit institution’.

There are three administrative levels at TU Delft:  the Executive Board, the faculties, and the academic departments. These three administrative levels are governed based on the principle of integral management: the Executive Board, the deans, and the departmental directors are responsible for both the primary tasks (academic research, education and knowledge transfer) and support services. The support for the primary processes is organised within the University Corporate Office. There are also several employee participation bodies that influence the policy of decision-making within TU Delft.

Please find below an overview of the different organisational units at the TU Delft:


Organogram TU Delft 2024

More information about the organisational units: