Machine learning using PyTorch on DelftBlue 4 December 2024


04 December 2024 09:30 till 16:30 - Location: Penguinlab 2e etage, gebouw 36 (EWI), Mekelweg 4, Delft | Add to my calendar

This course introduces machine learning on the DelftBlue supercomputer, blending theory with hands-on practice. Participants will learn to manage dependencies, handle large datasets, optimize GPU performance, and scale deep learning models using PyTorch.

At the end of the day, you should be able to

  • Understand the basic setup of a supercomputer and identify bottlenecks in ML applications.
  • Run PyTorch examples on CPUs and GPUs on DelftBlue, assessing performance and resource requirements.
  • Optimize workflows to efficiently utilize a single GPU, including LLM examples.
  • Scale a deep learning workflow for distributed training across GPUs.


  • Python
  • Command line and DelftBlue basics
  • Experience with machine learning workflows (e.g., PyTorch)

More information

Dancy Bruijnius