Prof. G.W. Kortuem
Prof. G.W. Kortuem
Gerd Kortuem is professor of Internet of Things at the Faculty of Industrial Design Engineering at Delft University of Technology. His research centres on the intersection of the Human-Computer Interaction, Artificial Intelligence and Design, and covers:
- Intelligent Products
- Human-centered AI
- Responsible and Contestable AI
- AI in/for Design
- Generative AI
- Data-centric Design
Prof Kortuem leads the Knowledge and Intelligence Design research group (with Prof Alessandro Bozzon) and conducts research and education as part of the Data-Centric Design Lab (with Dr Jacky Bourgois), the Design at Scale Lab (with Dr Evangelos Niforatos), the Urban Analytics Lab (with Achilleas Psyllidis), and the Responsible Sensing Lab at the Amsterdam Institute for Advanced Metropolitan Solutions.
Since 2018, Prof Kortuem serves as academic director of the MSc Integrated Product Design programme and teaches courses on:
- Generative AI and Design
- Artificial Intelligence and Society
- Data-centric Design
- Intelligent Products
Research interests
Prof Kortuem's research centres on the intersection of the Human-Computer Interaction, Artificial Intelligence and Design, and covers:
- Intelligent Products
- Human-centered AI
- Responsible and Contestable AI
- AI in/for Design
- Generative AI
- Data-centric Design
Academic background
Gerd Kortuem joined the Faculty of Industrial Design Engineering in 2016. Prior to that, he worked as software developer at the Fraunhofer Institute for Industrial Engineering (Germany), IBM (Germany) and Apple (USA), held positions at Lancaster University (UK) and the Open University (UK) and taught at Oxford University. Prof Kortuem holds a PhD from the University of Oregon (USA) and a Diploma in Informatics from Stuttgart University (Germany). He currently serves as Associate Editor of the Journal "Proceedings of the ACM on Interactive, Mobile, Wearable and Ubiquitous Technologies” and is a member of the Editorial Board of the IEEE Pervasive Computing magazine. He is an associate partner at strategic consultancy Fronesys Inc.
Responding to the Indeterminacy of Doctoral Research in Design
Meredith Davis / Luke Feast / Jodi Forlizzi / Ken Friedman / Ali Ilhan / Wendy Ju / Gerd Kortuem / Maria Hellström Reimer / Carlos Teixeira
What is Sensitive About (Sensitive) Data? Characterizing Sensitivity and Intimacy with Google Assistant Users
Alejandra Gómez Ortega / Jacky Bourgeois / Gerd Kortuem
Contestable Camera Cars
A Speculative Design Exploration of Public AI That Is Open and Responsive to Dispute
Kars Alfrink / A.I. Keller / N. Doorn / G.W. Kortuem -
Contestable AI by Design
Towards a Framework
Kars Alfrink / A.I. Keller / G.W. Kortuem / N. Doorn -
Reconstructing Intimate Contexts through Data Donation
A Case Study in Menstrual Tracking Technologies
A. Gomez Ortega / J. Bourgeois / G.W. Kortuem -
DIS '24 Best Paper
For the paper 'Participation in Data Donation: Co-Creative, Collaborative, and Contributory Engagements with Athletes and their Intimate Data'
Reviewers' Favourite Award for paper 'Towards Designing for Health Outcomes: Implications for Designers in eHealth Design'
18th International DESIGN Conference 2024 -
Best Paper
2023 CHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems -
Reviewers' Favourite Award for paper 'Exploring Health and Design Evidence Practices in eHealth Systems Development'
24th International Conference on Engineering Design, ICED 2023 -
Best paper award for Data Exploration for Generative Design Research
On receipt of ‘Top 15 Recommended Best Paper’ by reviewers in a double-blind review process.
Published in the Design Research Society International Conference 2018 Proceedings
DRS 2018
Involved in Research Project(s)
Ancillary activities
2024-01-01 - 2025-12-31
Consultancy / research and other