Ir. J.S. Faber

Ir. J.S. Faber


PostDoc | Participatory design of inclusive and tailored eHealth interventions to facilitate healthy lifestyles and self-management | Delft University of Technology, Industrial Design Engineering

Research interests

Jaspers main research interests lie in human-centered and participatory design of eHealth interventions, self-management, health behaviour change, and design for inclusivity.

He aims to develop digital health solutions specifically tailored to the unique skills, needs, and preferences of its users. This forms the core of his research, aiming to bridge gaps in healthcare systems and contribute to a more user-friendly digital healthcare landscape.

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Academic background

In his current research, Jasper engages in participatory design to develop user profiles for the "Healthbox", a self-management eHealth intervention to support patients with metabolic syndrome in managing their risk factors.

In his PhD research, which was a collaboration between Delft University of Technology and Erasmus Medical Centre, he delved into understanding the attitudes of individuals with a low socioeconomic position towards health, healthcare, and eHealth, and translating this understanding into a practical and applicable online tool. This tool benefits professionals who develop and adapt interventions for this target group. Jasper used the tool in his own research as well to design a tailored eHealth intervention for patients with a low socioeconomic position during their waiting period preceding cardiac rehabilitation.

Jasper graduated with a Medisign specialisation from his Master's program in Integrated Product Design at Industrial Design Engineering, where he developed a smart asthma inhaler to improve medication adherence among individuals with low health literacy.

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  • 2024-11-7

    Rehabilitation Year Award 2024

    CapriXpress: eHealth ter ondersteuning van de wachtperiode voor hartrevalidatie patiënten met een lage sociaaleconomische positie.
    Dutch Congress of Rehabilitation Medicine

Involved in Research Projects & Labs:

Ancillary activities