Automated Vehicles – How to Keep Humans in Control?
Self-driving vehicles that smoothly, quickly, and entirely autonomously drive us around – technically, we are almost there. However, before these vehicles are allowed on the road, we must ensure that they remain sufficiently safe, manageable, and responsible. How can automobile manufacturers, road authorities, and regulators work together to achieve this?
In this whitepaper researchers Simeon Calvert, Stig Johnsen and Ashwin George present the framework Meaningful Human Control for this purpose.
Read the whitepaper.
More information
This whitepaper is a simplified and adapted version of the scientific article Designing Automated Vehicle and Traffic Systems towards Meaningful Human Control that is available online.
More information about this line of research is available on the website of TU Delft | DITTLab: Data Analytics and Traffic Simulation Lab.
Questions? Don’t hesitate to contact press officer Karlijn Spoor: 06-41612272

Dr. ir. Simeon Calvert
Assistant Professor
Faculty of Civil Engineering and Geosciences
Building 23
Stevinweg 1
2628 CN DelftRoom: 4.20