Projecten Select your theme Filters openen 1 Million Homes Architecture Architectural Engineering and Technology Circular Built Environment Management in the Built Environment Urbanism Research Stories Duurzame Verstedelijking Healthy Cities Erfgoed met toekomstwaarde Digitalisering en kunstmatige intelligentie Klimaatadaptatie en energietransitie Circulariteit in de gebouwde omgeving Biobased, Inclusive & Circular BoSS CA²RE+ COHESIFY The impact of cohesion policy on EU identification. COHOCITY COMPASS Comparative analysis of territorial governance and spatial planning systems in Europe. CONSECH20 A multidisciplinary approach for the conservation of concrete heritage buildings. CONVERGE Reducing the energy consumption of a fully transparent building through the integration and climate-responsiveness of building systems Campus NL 2023-2027 Campus NL 2023-2027 is a research project for and by universities. Universities in the Netherlands face a number of common challenges in managing their campuses. These include dilemmas concerning hybrid working and studying , dynamics in the numbers of incoming students, the shortage of (student) housing, sustainability and a healthy work environment. Over the next four years, the Campus NL research project will bring together these challenges to make campus management at each of the 14 Dutch universities more effective and efficient. CiRCLETECH Twinning partnershop to develop a European Sustainable Circular Economy Research Hub Circular Area Development Binckhorst Circular Housing Asset Renovation & Management - CHARM Circular Water Stories The management of water-living systems through time is slowly taken over by 'professionals.' The link that traditionally existed between communities and their water system was thus literally and figuratively cut. We have changed from communities of 'water workers' into passive spectators. Anonymous boxes have replaced drainage sluices that were once operated by hand. Only a few people still know the story behind the water system they see. Questions like what is it for, why is the water positioned here, where does it come from, etc. cannot be answered anymore. Together with the stories, the community's involvement in water management is lost. Cities of Making City Zero [carbon] Energy Pagina 1 Je bent op pagina 2 Pagina 3 Pagina 4 Pagina 5 Pagina 6 ... Deel deze pagina: Facebook Linkedin Twitter Email WhatsApp Deel deze pagina