Projecten Select your theme Filters openen 1 Million Homes Architecture Architectural Engineering and Technology Circular Built Environment Management in the Built Environment Urbanism Research Stories Duurzame Verstedelijking Healthy Cities Erfgoed met toekomstwaarde Digitalisering en kunstmatige intelligentie Klimaatadaptatie en energietransitie Circulariteit in de gebouwde omgeving Verspreiding van corona-virus in de binnenlucht Verspreiding van microscopisch kleine druppels, zogenoemde aerosolen, via de lucht in binnenruimtes. Wall Garden The potential for improving the integration between masonry quay walls and vegetation. Water and Heritage Water in all its forms is key to human survival and well-being Windows to the Future Rising temperatures result in an increasing demand for air-conditioning, both in traditionally warm locales and in usually cooler climates, such as in The Netherlands. Besides air-conditioning for climate control, sun-shading measures are also applied in order to keep solar glare out of buildings Writingplace edX MOOC Global Housing Design nD-PC The Open Point Cloud Map infrastructure for sharing of big data nD-PointClouds ... Pagina 4 Pagina 5 Pagina 6 Pagina 7 Pagina 8 Je bent op pagina 9 Deel deze pagina: Facebook Linkedin Twitter Email WhatsApp Deel deze pagina