Platform for Entrepreneurship within the Built Environment
BK-launch is the platform for innovation and encouragement of entrepreneurship in the faculty of Architecture & the Built Environment, Delft University of Technology. Its goal is to create an entrepreneurial community for student ventures, with a vision to transform the Built Environment. Driven by ambitious students active with a (future) venture in the Built Environment. Facilitated by faculty members and Partners whose knowledge, expertise and investment constitute the foundation of the platform.
What makes this platform special, is the growing network of advocates of entrepreneurship that will form an academic source and example for future entrepreneurs. Their story and experience together with the foundation laid by the Partners will serve two MSc interdisciplinary elective courses in the harmonised Master programme, meant not only to teach students about the importance of entrepreneurship, but also to help their brilliant ideas become potential future ventures.
Startup Voucher
The BK-Launch Startup Voucher gives entrepreneurial minded TU Delft students the opportunity to cover the first costs in turning a great idea within the Built Environment into business. Read all about it.
Entrepreneurship Awards
Every year, BK-Launch grants multiple ventures in both start- and scale-up phases with monetary awards up till 20.000 euros to boost their entrepreneurial journey. Winners are selected based on their innovativeness and contributions to taking on the societal challenges of the Built Environment. For the third edition, November 2024, BK-Launch teams up with The Green Village, the on-campus field lab for sustainable innovation. One of the winning ventures will receive the opportunity to test their products on site, along with other BK predecessors such as project SUM (Solar Decathlon) and Urban Reef.
The future and the final goal of BK-Launch is to create a platform that will join all the activities described above in one place. A real life pre-incubator for ideas where corporate meets design and driven students work along accomplished entrepreneurs to make their dreams become reality.
From 2024 on, BK-Launch will be a prominent addition to the faculty, by including research on entrepreneurship in the Built Environment to their endeavours guided by Postdoc Jip Leendertse.
Further information
BK-Launch is powered by a diverse network of Partners in the Built Environment:
- Brink
- Oosterhoff
- Smits Vastgoedzorg
- 4TU
- Lighthouse Club
- De Bouwcampus