The MSc programme in Aerospace Engineering is completed with a thesis, the graduation project, which comprises 45 EC. The thesis course is intended to provide students with the ability to carry out in-depth research in a particular area of interest and make a significant contribution to the knowledge in that field. Students have to address (a) specific research question(s) and are responsible for the planning and execution of the project.
The literature study is incorporated into the thesis since 2022. The course Research Methodologies is no longer mandatory, but it is recommended as an elective.
Note: Before starting their MSc Thesis Project, students are expected to have finished all their MSc courses. Deviation from this requirement is possible, but only if approved by the thesis supervisor.
The thesis can be roughly divided into 5 phases: Preparation phase, Kick-Off phase, Midterm phase, Green Light phase and Finalisation phase. Please be aware of the use of MyCase and some of the forms you need to use.
For a more detailed overview of what all the phases are about, please refer to the ‘Master Thesis Aerospace Engineering’ Brightspace page. For track related specifications, please contact the Track Coordinator.
Note: Students who started their masters in 2021 or earlier still follow the old study programme. For these students, the following applies: a nominal study duration of 30 weeks (42 ECTS), excluding Literature Study. Combining the Literature Study with the course Research Methodologies is essential (time-wise and contents-wise), as the course helps you to set up a good thesis proposal.
Detailed information about the MSc Thesis can be found on the Brighspace page: Master Thesis Aerospace Engineering.