Education Management Team

The Education Management Team (EMT) is charged with educational policy and quality, and responsible for the management of the faculty educational programmes: organisation and coordination of education, educational quality control and assurance, allocation of teaching resources, facilities and equipment, strategy development and education policy. The EMT reports to the Management Team.

The EMT has, amongst others, the following tasks:

  • Preparing educational and assessment regulations, that are authorised by the Dean after agreement by the Faculty Student Council (FSC);
  • Defining quality levels per programme;
  • Determining of the curricula;
  • Monitoring and ensuring the course content and didactic quality of education (instruction, coaching, assessment, feedback) from course to curriculum level;
  • Monitoring and controlling the volume of teaching across departments and sections, in conjunction with the allocated educational duties and resources;
  • Advising the faculty Management Team regarding education

The EMT meets approximately every month to monitor overall compliance with educational goals and objectives, and to give guidance to the administration regarding policies and procedures. The EMT consists of:

  • Chair: Joris Melkert (Director of Education)
  • Secretary: Sander Barendrecht (Head Education & Student Affairs)
  • MSc: Wouter van der Wal (MSc programme Director, a.i.)
  • MSc: Carlos Simao Ferreira (MSc programme Director)
  • BSc: Daniel Peeters (BSc programme coordinator – B1/B2)
  • BSc: Coen de Visser (BSc programme coordinator – B3)
  • General member: Rene van Paassen (general member)
  • Student member: Jasmijn Tromp
  • Student member: Kyra Valk

Sander Barendrecht