Prof.dr. O. (Oded) Cats
Oded Cats is a professor in the Department of Transport and Planning and a co-leader of the Smart Public Transport Lab. His research interests lie in the intersection between transport networks, operations, policy and travel behaviour, especially in the context of multi-modal metropolitan public transport systems. Oded holds a dual-PhD from KTH Royal Institute of Technology, Sweden and Technion – Israel Institute of (PPTS) course.
My main research aim is to develop theories and models of multi-modal passenger transport networks by combining advancements from behavioral sciences, operations research and complex network theory. The domain of application for most of my work is metropolitan public transport systems where I focused on route choice, service optimization, control, network design and robustness, travel information and reliability. Research activities often support public transport agencies and operators’ decision making.
Research themes:
- Planning and Managing Metropolitan Public Transport Networks
- Reliable Multimodal Transport Systems
- Tactical and Real-time Optimization of Public Transport Systems
- Route Choice and Assignment Models
- Travel Behaviour and Policy Evaluation
- Active Mode Mobility
- CI4811: Planning and operations of Public Transport Systems
- TIL3010: Introduction to Transport, Infrastructure and Logistics
- CIE5802: Advanced Transport Modelling
Cats O., Koppenol G-J. and Warnier M. (2017). Robustness Assessment of Link Capacity Reduction for Complex Networks: Application for Public Transport Systems. Reliability Engineering & System Safety, 167, 544-553.
Cats O., Susilo Y. and Reimal T. (2017). The Prospects of Fare-Free Public Transport: Evidence from Tallinn. Transportation. 44 (5), 1083-1104.
Cats O. (2017). Topological Evolution of a Metropolitan Rail Transport Network: The Case of Stockholm. Journal of Transport Geography, 62, 173-182.
Cats O., Yap M. and van Oort N. (2016) Exposing the Role of Exposure: Public Transport Network Risk Analysis. Transportation Research Part A: Policy and Practice, 88, 1-14.
Cats O., West J. and Eliasson J. (2016). A Dynamic Stochastic Model for Evaluating Congestion and Crowding Effects in Transit Systems. Transportation Research Part B: Methodological, 89, 43-57.
Gentile G., Florian M., Hamdouch Y., Cats O. and Nuzzolo A. (2016). The Theory of Transit Assignment: Basic Modelling Frameworks. In: Modeling Public Transport Passenger Flows in the Era of Intelligent Transport Systems, G. Gentile and K. Nökel )Eds.), pp. 287-386. Springer International Publishing. ISBN 978-3-319-25082-3.
Cats O. and Jenelius E. (2014). Dynamic Vulnerability Analysis of Public Transport Networks: Mitigation Effects of Real-Time Information. Networks and Spatial Economics, 14, 435-463.
Toledo T., Cats O., Burghout W. and Koutsopoulos H.N. (2010). Mesoscopic Simulation for Transit Operations. Transportation Research Part C: Emerging Technologies, 18(6), 896-908.
Smart Transfers through Unravelling Urban Form and Travel Flow Dynamics - SCRIPTS
Smart Cities’ Responsive Intelligent Public Transport Systems - SETA
An open, sustainable, ubiquitous data and service ecosystem for efficient, effective, safe, resilient mobility in metropolitan areas - ALLEGRO
Behavioural theories and models to explain and predict the dynamics of pedestrians and cyclists within an urban context - MyTRAC
Travel companion designed for public and private transport users by developing and applying advanced behavioural and transport analytics and Artificial Intelligence algorithms - NZlijn
Monitoring the effects of the new 'Noord-Zuid' metroline in Amsterdam
- Part-time Researcher, KTH Royal Institute of Technology, Stockholm
- Associate Editor, European Journal of Transport and Infrastructure Research (EJTIR)
- Scientific Advisory Board, Member, PTV Planung Transport Verkehr AG
- Transportation Research Board Committee, Member, AP010 (Transit Management and Performance) and AP030 (Public Transportation Marketing and Fare Policy)
Modeling Public Transport Passenger Flows in the Era of Intelligent Transport Systems, G. Gentile and K. Nökel (Eds.). Springer International Publishing. ISBN 978-3-319-25082-3.
Modelling Intelligent Multi-Modal Transit Systems, A. Nuzzolo and W.H. K. Lam (Eds.). CRC Press: Taylor & Francis. ISBN 9781498743532
Published regularly in professional magazines and gave interviews to daily newspapers in several countries, articles in professional magazines, television interviews on national news. Regular speaker on public/popular science events.

Oded Cats
Professor Passenger Transport Systems
- +31 (15) 27 81384
Faculty of Civil Engineering and Geosciences
Building 23
Stevinweg 1
2628 CN Delft
Room: 4.22
Read my Story of Science
Read my Story of Science
Prof.dr. O. (Oded) Cats
- nevenwerkzaamheden
2023-09-01 - 2025-09-01
2025-01-01 - 2026-12-31
2024-09-01 - 2026-09-01