Dispuut Verkeer
Founded in 1990, Dispuut Verkeer is the association for students of the master program Transport & Traffic Engineering (TTE) of the faculty of Civil Engineering and Geosciences (CEG), as well as the inter-faculty master program Transport, Infrastructure and Logistics (TIL) of Delft University of Technology.
As the board of our student association, our mission is to provide students with the help they need during their studies and after, as Alumni members. We focus on organizing various social events where students can have fun and build friendships with their classmates, on creating networking opportunities through Company Dinners and Lunch Lectures, hosted by our partners, on expanding the views and professional knowledge through our 3 annual tours, all over the world, and on being that link between the department and students. With more than 400 members we believe we can provide a valuable network for job seeking, recruiting and professional exchange. Additionally, we count in our members PhD and staff members, which is crucial to our mission: Connecting students, university and companies so that our members have an enjoyable study time and a successful transition into the workplace.

- info@dispuutverkeer.nl
- www.dispuutverkeer.nl
Stevinweg 1, room 4.08
2628 CN Delft
PO Box 5048
2600 GA Delft