Members of the consortium

Marjan Popov obtained his Ph.D. from the Delft University of Technology in 2002. In 1997, he was with the University of Liverpool, conducting research in the field of switching equipment. He is a Professor in Electrical Power Systems and Protection. In 2010, he obtained the Hidde Nijland award for extraordinary research results. For the research performed in his NWO-VENI project (2004-2007), in 2011, he obtained the IEEE PES Prize award and IEEE Switchgear Committee award. He is an associate editor of Elsevier’s Journal of Electric Energy and Power Systems. His research interest is related to wide-area monitoring, large-scale power system protection, and transients in power systems. He is an IEEE Fellow and a member of Cigre with active participation in B5 and A3.

Maarten van Riet is currently working as manager R&D for Liandon member of Alliander. He has an comprehensive knowledge of electro technical components like transformers, cables, switchgear, protection devices etc. After several substation automation projects for the 150 kV grid he started in 1998 with the development of MV automation concepts. In 2003, he developed together with Locamation an innovative new approach for MV SA-systems called SASensor®. Maarten is active in several national working groups for Cigre and Cired. In February 2007 he was honoured with the Dutch Power Award 2007. In December 2016 he became the ‘Hidde Nijland Penning’, an oeuvre award for all his innovations and inspirations in the energy world. During this event he had to speech t ‘Hidde Nijland rede’ with the title : The expert knows how to act. Always through the experiment looking for simplicity.

Mart van der Meijden is full professor with the Department of Electrical Sustainable Energy of Delft University of Technology. His chair and research focus is on Sustainable Power Systems of the Future with sector coupling on distribution and transmission level. Mart van der Meijden is also working with TenneT TSO, Europe's first cross-border grid operator for electricity. He is Manager R&D/Innovation and responsible for the development of the TenneT long term vision on North Sea Infrastructure. Professor van der Meijden is member of IEEE, KIvI, ENTSO-E/RDIC and CIGRE and he has joined and chaired different national and international expert groups.

Evita N. Parabirsing is a team lead Grid Protection Automation and Control The team is responsible for the specification, design and realizing all PAC systems within the distribution grid of Stedin (10 kV upto 50 kV), taking into account all cyber security aspects. The focus is on working with standard PAC modules, which are developed in a Modulair Design Test and Acceptance system. This system is also used for complex problem solving and PAC design improvement.

Frank Baldinger studied Electrical Engineering at Technical University of Eindhoven, NL, where he received his masters in 1985. He joint with ASEA in Sweden at the process automation R&D department. Thereafter he joint the substation automation development team in the Netherlands of the newly formed ABB company. Until 2000 he was product manager Substation Automation-systems of a Dutch process automation company. In 2000 he founded a new company together with Locamation for the development and marketing of their own developed Substation Protection, Automation & Control Systems. In 2003 they started the development of innovative new approach for Centralized Protection and Control, called SASensor® together with the Dutch distribution system operator Alliander. Currently Frank operates as senior consultant within Paulou B.V. Frank is active within Cigré B3 “Substations” and B5 “Substation automation and protection; CIRED; member of IET, IEEE & KIvI and Dutch Power.

Kees Koreman is currently working in the Asset Management Offshore department of TenneT. He is in charge of the electrical design of HVDC Interconnectors used for connection to neighbouring countries with cables in the North Sea. His particular interest is in Converter station design with a focus on the protection and control systems. Kees is the Dutch representative in the Cigré Study Committee B4 HVDC and power electronics. He is chairman of the international Cigré Working Group on protection and local control of DC grids.

Corné de Hoogh studied electrical engineering at the Avans Hogeschool in Breda. In his current role he is Account manager Digital Grid for Siemens the Netherlands. Representing a portfolio of Smart Energy and Digital Solutions for the Energy Distribution Market Applications like Demand Response, protecting the grid by multi-functional devices communication along the IEC 61850 norm. Delivering added value on support, consulting and solutions in the MV and HV distribution grids.

Jacques van Ammers studied electrical engineering at the Hoge school van Amsterdam. In his current role he is Sales and product Manager for GE Power | Grid Solutions the Netherlands. Representing a portfolio of Protection, Control and Digital Solutions for the Energy Transmission and Distribution Market Applications like protection schemes by multi-functional devices, substation automation system based on the IEC 61850 norm and Monitoring and Diagnostics devices for Asset Performance Monitoring. Jacques is an active member of the national Study committee Cigré B5 and Dutch Power.

Wilhelm Winter received the Dipl.-Ing. degree and the Dr.-Ing. degree in Power Engineering from the Technical University of Berlin in 1995 and 1998 respectively. From 1995 to 2002 he was with Siemens, working in the department for protection development and in the system planning department. He was involved in large system studies including stability calculations, HVDC and FACTS optimizations, Modal Analysis, transient phenomena, real-time simulation and renewable energy systems. He was responsible for the development of the NETOMAC Eigenvalue Analysis program. In 2002 he changed to EON Netz GmbH setting up the new workstream for grid stability. He was involved in large European system studies, coordinating the European Wind Integration study in 2007 and umbrella in 2010. Since 2010 he has been working at TenneT TSO GmbH and was appointed to an Expert on HVDC Overlay Grid Design & System Security in 2012, answering all relevant design questions for the first of its kind embedded HVDC SuedLink. In parallel he was appointed to the ENTSO-E convener of the network code HVDC drafting team. In 2014, he was appointed as coordinator of a team of experts for HVDC planning. Since July 2020, he has led the Cross Border Team for Electrical System Design within Energy System Planning. Since 2010, he has been the representative for TenneT Germany on the Research, Innovation and Development Committee (RDIC) of ENTSO-E (European Network Transmission System Operators). His many years of close cooperation with universities, faculties and students have been shaped by his appointment as a fellow at the TU Delft Faculty of Electrical Engineering, Mathematics and Computer Science.

Martin Greenwood is a flexible and experienced engineering professional, equally at home with detailed technical design work and the management of complex projects. He possesses a proven ability to lead multi-disciplinary engineering teams and liaise with contractors and clients at a senior level. Martin has broad experience of all aspects of substation design with a strong focus on secondary systems (protection relays, control systems, SCADA, telecommunications etc.) across a range of voltages from LV to EHV. This experience ranges from protection philosophy, secondary system design, protection setting calculations and production of relay settings for different manufacturers (GE, Hitachi, SEL, Siemens, etc). He has worked with a number of different protection relays ranging from electromechanical to electronic to modern numerical types, incorporating IEC61850 data models. He has previously worked with a number of different Transmission Network Operators Worldwide (such as National Grid UK & US, Saudi Electric Company, TenneT, ELIA, etc). In recent years Martin has focused on Offshore Windfarm connections in Germany and the Netherlands, where he is responsible for the requirements and specifications for HVAC and HVDC Protection, Revenue Metering, Synchrophasors (PMUs), Power Quality Metering, Secondary Cabling and Wiring and Cabinet design for the 2GW Offshore Standard within TenneT.