Protection of FutuRe Power System Crucial ComponentS

The energy transition forced by the urgent need for climate action has brought substantial changes to the electrical energy networks. Along with the integration of renewable resources in the electrical energy networks, the need for redistribution of electrical energy in accordance with the variation of wind blow and sun irradiation has increased, introducing a higher number of high-frequency electromagnetic variations to the power network. This, in return, escalates the likelihood of equipment failure in the power system and may compromise the reliability of the power system, which on the other hand, is one of the main requirements of the future smart grids. Stimulated by this, the main objectives of the project PRoteuS is to provide novel simulation models and a platform to have a better understanding of how power system is affected by the inevitable integration of renewable resources and to develop effective protection schemes for the crucial components of the future power grid.
As new technologies are incorporated in power networks and their complexity is increased, power systems have become more prone to disturbances. However, the mutual interactions between the elements of modern power systems are not well understood. In fact, mysteriously occurring equipment failure reports from companies and industries are accumulating. These events are often associated with high costs, not only from the failed component but also due to the energy not being supplied to the consumers. In this regard, the need to sufficiently protect the power system's crucial components is felt more strongly. The optimum protection may be realized by a comprehensive analysis of the mutual interactions between power system components.
PRoteuS stands for 'Protection of FutuRe Power System Crucial ComponentS.' This project lays the foundation of new simulation techniques to gain an in-depth insight into the behavior of the power grid crucial components, including power and instrument transformers, overhead and underground transmission lines and cables, grounding system, and their mutual interactions when subjected to high-frequency electromagnetic transient phenomena. To achieve this goal, an accurate simulation platform based on the electromagnetic field theory will be developed, which makes it compatible with the existing EMT-type software. The data provided in this way will enable us to develop more state-of-the-art protection schemes in the more sophisticated power grids of the future.
Project PRoteuS is funded by the Dutch Research Council (Nederlandse Organisatie voor Wetenschappelijk Onderzoek – NWO). This project benefits from the support of DSO Alliander/Qirion, TSO TenneT, Royal Smit Transformers BV, and National Grid – UK as industrial partners. TU Delft contributes as the leading academic partner to this project.

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Research Team
Description of the research work:
Farzad Nasirpour: Three Phase High-Frequency Transformer Modelling
Behzad Behdani: Analysis of Power System Transients Considering High-Frequency Behavior of Grounding System
Amir Heidary: Protection of Transformers Against Fast Transient Resonance